Database setup error

Hi, I am a newbie and hoping someone can help me out-

I get this error during step 1 of installation after entering in my database details from the PHPstack application on Cloudways-

An error occurred while attempting to add default data: MysqlPlatform::getDropIndexSQL() expects $table parameter to be string or DoctrineDBALSchemaTable.

Any ideas on how to fix this? Thanks

Hi, I am a newbie and hoping someone can help me out-

I get this error during step 1 of installation after entering in my database details from the PHPstack application on Cloudways-

An error occurred while attempting to add default data: MysqlPlatform::getDropIndexSQL() expects $table parameter to be string or DoctrineDBALSchemaTable.

Any ideas on how to fix this? Thanks

Hi guys, I searched the forum and I did this in the CLI-

Updates the database schema:
php app/console doctrine:schema:update --force

After that, it lets me proceed to Step 3 of installation.

But I’m not really sure what this does. Can anyone explain to me what exactly this command did? Did it just update the columns and data types of the tables?

Hi, I am a newbie too, and I got the same error.
Does anyone know how to solve it?

@valuearb How to update the database schema?