How is the condition mean to be written for contact field date to equal today.
I remember doing it in the past and did not use operator date, but used operator equal and tried variation of “today” and “Today”
and in date, anyone know what POD -P1D +P1D
just checked on Mautic 2.16.3 and created a segment with date equal “today” and this worked perfect.
Further Addition:
Check campaign on Mautic 2.16.3 and worked fine. The main difference in Mautic 2.16.x is that on date operator you have the dropdown of “is Today”
Contact with custom field/date = 2020-07-28
Segment with filter = custom field = today
On 28.07, contacts in this segment = 0
Today 29.07, contacts in this segment = 1(Custom field/date = 2020-07-28)
Result - Campaign with this segment = Works