Difference between 'Last Active' and 'Event Timestamp'

I have asked this before a year ago, but still no answer. Since I still want to know the answer, I’ll ask again .

In the contacts list there is a column ‘Last Active’, and I see that a contact was last active an hour ago.

When I look at the Event Timestamp in the contact details, the last event was weeks ago.

Can someone explain to me what the difference is between the ‘Last Active’ timestamp in the contacts list and the ‘Event Timestamp’ in the Event history of a contact?

I have asked this before a year ago, but still no answer. Since I still want to know the answer, I’ll ask again .

In the contacts list there is a column ‘Last Active’, and I see that a contact was last active an hour ago.
When I look at the Event Timestamp in the contact details, the last event was weeks ago.

Can someone explain to me what the difference is between the ‘Last Active’ timestamp in the contacts list and the ‘Event Timestamp’ in the Event history of a contact?

@griemer what mautic version ?

I will try my best @griemer
Last Active is the last time this contact have some type of life signal this can be for sample visit the website or maybe open an old email you send.

Event Timestamp is the last time the user triggers some kind of interaction for sample visit a Mautic landing page, fill a Mautic form, Trigger some Mautic campaign etc.

Thanks @ninjoan
That makes kind of sense, but I don’t understand why this is the case . What you call ‘some type of life signal’ are events, arent they? So why don’t they show up in the event history? This would make perfectly sense to me. If this was the case, I also could make a segment base on this info.
Say I would like to send an email to a contact that has visited our site, this cannot be done, only if the visit is in the event history, but not all events can be found there.

So in my opinion, Mautic should register all events, or am I overlooking something?

I have found this https://github.com/mautic/mautic/issues/3184

@griemer thanks for sharing

So now I know how to see when an email was last open ( toggle details), but what if Last Active is today, and the last time an email was read is a week ago? This means the contact did ‘something else’ then reading a mail. This could be visiting our site, but there is no page visit in the event list. What triggered the Last Active timestamp to be updated?

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@griemer visit your home page (WP, joomla etc) not need to be a Mautic Landing page

I’ve also asked this before, please see my older post



@ninjoan I know that, but there is no visit recorded in the Event History

@denispavliha I saw this post before, even replied to it then :slight_smile: . But the answer cannot be found there also.

It seems lots of people don’t understand what’s going on here, but as the developers state here https://github.com/mautic/mautic/issues/3184 this is how it’s supposed to work.

I think it’s a bug or a design flaw… I have a web development agency my self, so I think I know how software has to work for an end user. Mautic is a great piece of software, but this issue needs some work