Displaying Advanced Forms as "Focus Item"

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I created a simple form that contains only two elements - an email field and a marketing consent checkbox. However, I wanted its display to be nicely styled with CSS. So, I created a FI - Modal, into which I pasted the following HTML code in the “Content” section:

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27.1187C71.4843 28.2627 71.0443 29.7787 71.0363 31.6667C71.0363 33.5547 71.4723 35.0747 72.3443 36.2267C73.2243 37.3707 74.5323 37.9427 76.2683 37.9427C77.5563 37.9427 78.6043 37.6227 79.4123 36.9827C80.2203 36.3427 80.7923 35.4627 81.1283 34.3427L84.0443 35.1467C83.5083 36.8347 82.5723 38.1787 81.2363 39.1787ZM92.9311 40.1627C92.2111 40.4987 91.3351 40.6667 90.3031 40.6667C89.3671 40.6667 88.5751 40.4907 87.9271 40.1387C87.2791 39.7787 86.7871 39.3027 86.4511 38.7107C86.1231 38.1187 85.9591 37.4667 85.9591 36.7547C85.9591 35.8107 86.1951 35.0187 86.6671 34.3787C87.1391 33.7307 87.8871 33.2307 88.9111 32.8787C89.5911 32.6547 90.4151 32.4667 91.3831 32.3147C92.3591 32.1547 93.4151 31.9907 94.5511 31.8227C94.4951 31.0787 94.2591 30.5307 93.8431 30.1787C93.4271 29.8187 92.7791 29.6387 91.8991 29.6387C91.3151 29.6387 90.7511 29.7747 90.2071 30.0467C89.6631 30.3187 89.2831 30.7867 89.0671 31.4507L86.4271 30.6227C86.7471 29.5267 87.3591 28.6467 88.2631 27.9827C89.1671 27.3187 90.3791 26.9867 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36.2147C104.303 35.8147 104.299 35.3587 104.299 34.8467V29.6147H108.103V27.3467H104.299V23.7467H101.419V27.3467H99.0672V29.6147H101.419V35.0147C101.419 35.7587 101.427 36.4227 101.443 37.0067C101.459 37.5827 101.615 38.1507 101.911 38.7107C102.247 39.3267 102.739 39.7787 103.387 40.0667C104.035 40.3467 104.767 40.4947 105.583 40.5107C106.407 40.5347 107.247 40.4667 108.103 40.3067ZM119.546 39.7067C118.514 40.3467 117.374 40.6667 116.126 40.6667C114.814 40.6667 113.662 40.3827 112.67 39.8147C111.678 39.2467 110.902 38.4587 110.342 37.4507C109.79 36.4427 109.514 35.2827 109.514 33.9707C109.514 32.5547 109.786 31.3227 110.33 30.2747C110.874 29.2267 111.63 28.4187 112.598 27.8507C113.566 27.2747 114.686 26.9867 115.958 26.9867C117.302 26.9867 118.442 27.2987 119.378 27.9227C120.322 28.5467 121.022 29.4307 121.478 30.5747C121.934 31.7187 122.106 33.0707 121.994 34.6307H112.61C112.722 35.7027 113.062 36.5267 113.63 37.1027C114.198 37.6707 114.974 37.9547 115.958 37.9547C117.406 37.9547 118.418 37.3387 118.994 36.1067L121.85 36.9707C121.354 38.1467 120.586 39.0587 119.546 39.7067ZM118.142 30.2267C117.662 29.7547 116.974 29.5187 116.078 29.5187C114.158 29.5187 113.026 30.4947 112.682 32.4467H119.066C118.938 31.4307 118.63 30.6907 118.142 30.2267ZM124.671 40.3067H127.575V33.7187C127.575 32.9667 127.711 32.2987 127.983 31.7147C128.263 31.1307 128.699 30.6787 129.291 30.3587C129.691 30.1267 130.139 29.9907 130.635 29.9507C131.131 29.9027 131.575 29.9347 131.967 30.0467V27.3467C131.383 27.2587 130.783 27.2707 130.167 27.3827C129.551 27.4867 129.003 27.7027 128.523 28.0307C128.251 28.1987 128.007 28.4027 127.791 28.6427C127.575 28.8747 127.387 29.1347 127.227 29.4227V27.3467H124.671V40.3067ZM143.143 39.8027C142.175 40.3787 141.043 40.6667 139.747 40.6667C138.451 40.6667 137.319 40.3747 136.351 39.7907C135.383 39.2067 134.631 38.4027 134.095 37.3787C133.567 36.3467 133.303 35.1627 133.303 33.8267C133.303 32.4667 133.575 31.2747 134.119 30.2507C134.663 29.2267 135.419 28.4267 136.387 27.8507C137.355 27.2747 138.475 26.9867 139.747 26.9867C141.051 26.9867 142.187 27.2787 143.155 27.8627C144.123 28.4467 144.875 29.2547 145.411 30.2867C145.947 31.3107 146.215 32.4907 146.215 33.8267C146.215 35.1707 145.943 36.3587 145.399 37.3907C144.863 38.4147 144.111 39.2187 143.143 39.8027ZM137.215 36.8387C137.791 37.5827 138.635 37.9547 139.747 37.9547C140.891 37.9547 141.743 37.5707 142.303 36.8027C142.871 36.0347 143.155 35.0427 143.155 33.8267C143.155 32.5707 142.871 31.5707 142.303 30.8267C141.735 30.0747 140.883 29.6987 139.747 29.6987C138.587 29.6987 137.731 30.0827 137.179 30.8507C136.635 31.6107 136.363 32.6027 136.363 33.8267C136.363 35.0827 136.647 36.0867 137.215 36.8387ZM148.835 40.3067H151.751V32.3267C151.751 31.5187 151.971 30.8627 152.411 30.3587C152.859 29.8547 153.451 29.6027 154.187 29.6027C154.947 29.6027 155.547 29.8547 155.987 30.3587C156.427 30.8627 156.647 31.5667 156.647 32.4707V40.3067H159.527V32.3267C159.527 31.4707 159.759 30.8027 160.223 30.3227C160.695 29.8427 161.279 29.6027 161.975 29.6027C162.719 29.6027 163.311 29.8547 163.751 30.3587C164.199 30.8547 164.423 31.5467 164.423 32.4347V40.3067H167.315V31.7027C167.315 30.2947 166.931 29.1627 166.163 28.3067C165.403 27.4507 164.307 27.0227 162.875 27.0227C162.035 27.0227 161.267 27.2067 160.571 27.5747C159.875 27.9427 159.327 28.4467 158.927 29.0867C158.583 28.4547 158.095 27.9547 157.463 27.5867C156.831 27.2107 156.059 27.0227 155.147 27.0227C154.371 27.0227 153.655 27.1787 152.999 27.4907C152.351 27.7947 151.815 28.2147 151.391 28.7507V27.3467H148.835V40.3067ZM176.697 40.1627C175.977 40.4987 175.101 40.6667 174.069 40.6667C173.133 40.6667 172.341 40.4907 171.693 40.1387C171.045 39.7787 170.553 39.3027 170.217 38.7107C169.889 38.1187 169.725 37.4667 169.725 36.7547C169.725 35.8107 169.961 35.0187 170.433 34.3787C170.905 33.7307 171.653 33.2307 172.677 32.8787C173.357 32.6547 174.181 32.4667 175.149 32.3147C176.125 32.1547 177.181 31.9907 178.317 31.8227C178.261 31.0787 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35.6867C172.693 35.9507 172.557 36.2947 172.557 36.7187C172.557 37.1907 172.733 37.5827 173.085 37.8947ZM184.273 40.3067H187.177V33.7187C187.177 32.9667 187.313 32.2987 187.585 31.7147C187.865 31.1307 188.301 30.6787 188.893 30.3587C189.293 30.1267 189.741 29.9907 190.237 29.9507C190.733 29.9027 191.177 29.9347 191.569 30.0467V27.3467C190.985 27.2587 190.385 27.2707 189.769 27.3827C189.153 27.4867 188.605 27.7027 188.125 28.0307C187.853 28.1987 187.609 28.4027 187.393 28.6427C187.177 28.8747 186.989 29.1347 186.829 29.4227V27.3467H184.273V40.3067ZM196.787 40.3067H193.835L193.859 23.0267H196.787V33.5867L201.527 27.3467H205.139L200.111 33.8267L205.571 40.3067H201.743L196.787 34.0667V40.3067ZM212.43 40.6667C213.678 40.6667 214.818 40.3467 215.85 39.7067C216.89 39.0587 217.658 38.1467 218.154 36.9707L215.298 36.1067C214.722 37.3387 213.71 37.9547 212.262 37.9547C211.278 37.9547 210.502 37.6707 209.934 37.1027C209.366 36.5267 209.026 35.7027 208.914 34.6307H218.298C218.41 33.0707 218.238 31.7187 217.782 30.5747C217.326 29.4307 216.626 28.5467 215.682 27.9227C214.746 27.2987 213.606 26.9867 212.262 26.9867C210.99 26.9867 209.87 27.2747 208.902 27.8507C207.934 28.4187 207.178 29.2267 206.634 30.2747C206.09 31.3227 205.818 32.5547 205.818 33.9707C205.818 35.2827 206.094 36.4427 206.646 37.4507C207.206 38.4587 207.982 39.2467 208.974 39.8147C209.966 40.3827 211.118 40.6667 212.43 40.6667ZM212.382 29.5187C213.278 29.5187 213.966 29.7547 214.446 30.2267C214.934 30.6907 215.242 31.4307 215.37 32.4467H208.986C209.33 30.4947 210.462 29.5187 212.382 29.5187ZM228.572 37.8827V40.3067C227.716 40.4667 226.876 40.5347 226.052 40.5107C225.236 40.4947 224.504 40.3467 223.856 40.0667C223.208 39.7787 222.716 39.3267 222.38 38.7107C222.084 38.1507 221.928 37.5827 221.912 37.0067C221.896 36.4227 221.888 35.7587 221.888 35.0147V29.6147H219.536V27.3467H221.888V23.7467H224.768V27.3467H228.572V29.6147H224.768V34.8467C224.768 35.3587 224.772 35.8147 224.78 36.2147C224.796 36.6067 224.88 36.9267 225.032 37.1747C225.32 37.6547 225.78 37.9227 226.412 37.9787C227.044 38.0347 227.764 38.0027 228.572 37.8827Z"
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      .badge_container {
        background: #e80b79;
        color: white;
        padding: 40px 10px;
        height: 115px;
        width: 115px;
        border-radius: 50%;
        display: flex;
        align-items: center;
        justify-content: center;
        justify-items: center;
        text-align: center;
        flex-direction: column;
        padding: 0 10px;
        box-sizing: border-box;
        position: absolute;
        top: -50px;
        left: -36px;
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      .badge_container span.--bigger {
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      .logo_container {
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      .modal_title .--bigger {
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      .modal_list {
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        transform: rotate(-3deg);
        -ms-transform: rotate(-3deg);
        -moz-transform: rotate(-3deg);
        -webkit-transform: rotate(-3deg);
        padding-left: 15px;
      .input_container input {
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        border: 3px solid #1e4b3e;
        background: transparent;
        color: #1e4b3e;
        text-transform: lowercase;
        width: 100%;
      .mauticform-email input {
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        height: 40px;
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        margin-right: 5px;
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        border: none;
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      .mauticform-email input:focus-visible {
        outline: 1px solid #8e9398;
      form {
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        flex-direction: column;
        align-items: center;
      .close_button {
        color: black;
        z-index: 2001;
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        right: 20px;
        top: 20px;
        text-transform: uppercase;
        font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
      .close_button:hover {
        opacity: 0.98;
        cursor: pointer;

      .mauticform-checkboxgrp-row {
        position: relative;
        display: flex;
        align-items: flex-start;
      .mauticform-checkboxgrp-row input[type="checkbox"] {
        display: none;
      .mauticform-checkboxgrp-row label {
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      .mauticform-checkboxgrp-row label:before {
        content: "";
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        width: 20px;
        height: 20px;
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        transition: border 0.15s, background-color 0.15s;
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        top: 0;
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        display: block;
        border-radius: 5px;
        margin-top: 5px;
        + label:before {
        background: #0db84d;
        border: 2px solid #0db84d;
      .mauticform-checkboxgrp-row input[type="checkbox"]:checked + label:after {
        content: "";
        left: 7px;
        top: 13px;
        width: 100%;
        height: 100%;
        display: block;
        position: absolute;
        background: url(https://static.zespolmarketingu.pl/images/cateromarket/arrow_catero.svg);
        background-repeat: no-repeat;
      .link_modal {
        color: #1e4b3e;
        font-size: 12px;
        text-decoration-thickness: 0.15rem;
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      .link_modal:hover {
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      @media (min-width: 757px) {
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          max-width: 150px;
          margin-bottom: 15px;
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        ._form-thank-you {
          font-size: 36px;
          margin: 30px 0;
      @media (min-width: 1024px) {
        .input_container input {
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          gap: 5px;
        .input_container button._submit {
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        .mauticform-email {
          flex: 1;
        .mauticform-email input {
          flex: 1;
        .email_container > div {
          width: unset;
        .background_left_side {
          margin: unset;
          margin-left: auto;
          width: calc(100% - 37.5%);
          max-width: calc(100% - 37.5%);
          border-radius: 0 5% 5% 0;
          padding: 40px 80px;
          top: unset;
          left: unset;
          transform: unset;
          height: 100%;
        .badge_container {
          height: 150px;
          width: 150px;
          top: 50%;
          left: calc(0px - (150px / 2));
          transform: translateY(-50%);
          font-size: 16px;
        .badge_container span.--bigger {
          font-size: 34px;
        .modal_container {
          width: 820px;
          max-width: 820px;
          height: 450px;
        .modal_title {
          font-size: 24px;
          line-height: 1.5;
          margin-bottom: 10px;
        .logo_container {
          margin-bottom: unset;
        .close_button {
          right: 30px;
          top: 30px;
    <script type="text/javascript">
      /** This section is only needed once per page if manually copying **/
      if (typeof MauticSDKLoaded == "undefined") {
        var MauticSDKLoaded = true;
        var head = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0];
        var script = document.createElement("script");
        script.type = "text/javascript";
        script.src =
        script.onload = function () {
        var MauticDomain = "https://ma.cateromarket.pl";
        var MauticLang = {
          submittingMessage: "Please wait...",
      } else if (typeof MauticSDK != "undefined") {
      "use strict";

      var modalContainer = document.querySelector(".modal_container");
      var modalBackgroundOverlay = document.querySelector(
      var closeButton = document.querySelector(".close_button");
      function openModal() {
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      function closeModal() {
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      // Event listeners
      closeButton.addEventListener("click", closeModal);

In the “Custom CSS” section, I added:

iframe {
    width: 100vw;
    height: 100vh;

The problem is that my modal in debug mode looks like this:

After closing it, it looks like this:


And after adding it to the page, it looks like this:

Has anyone tried to create more advanced modals with forms? I looked for information but couldn’t find any.