Do focus items work? users complain

Your software
My Mautic version is:2.6
My PHP version is:7.2

I created focus submit form which pops up after the user tries to leave the site, but it only worked the first time. Users tell me they tried to press submit button and nothing happend.
What to do?
I tested the form on its own and it works

I tried it now twice, on two websites…the form pops up but the button is NOT WORKING!!!
I mean is this another bug from mautic?

I believe in you



what does it mean?
The form pops up but submit button aint working…I am super super frustrated

You are giving really few info here.
Did you add the focus item as js? Or a campaign step? Did you set ‘once a day’, if not what is your frequency?

My personal opinion is, that complaining about the code will not speed up any answers :slight_smile:


I set it up under focus, modal, I added text and then form code so it shows up. THen I installed it on my website by adding script code near the closing body tag…
It is set to show up when the user wants to leave the site

Sorry, but you didn’t answer all the questions :slight_smile:
Did you set once a day?
Or stop showing after conversion?


@joeyk A possible explanation described here

No way of knowing what mayhem the VPN browser plugin described in that post is causing with focus items.

Once per session, that means one user opens up the website?
THe submit button did not work for me and for other people too, one old lady told me it does not work so I checked it out and she probably does not have any plugins installed

post a link to your site and lets test the focus item

EJL i am grateful for your help, shoud I send you login?
here is one site I put it on
it seems it does not come up all the time, I set it when the user leaves the site, use modal, once per session

For some reason, by guts feeling is, that the VPN plugin is NOT the culprit.

My personal belief is, that

  1. the focus item is misconfigured (shows only 1x day)
  2. the server loads really slow, and can’t load fast enough, so the page is closed before exit intent is acknowledged
  3. the admin didn’t test properly (clear cookies, use another browser/window)
  4. a WP plugin (ex. wordfence) is blocking the js from running properly

Ok I disable wordfence, cache plugin, asset plugin
set the focu item to show on every page in the middle
but still the button is not working…I cant submit the form…so I dont know what is going on

Focus item appeared when I scrolled to bottom of the page

When I hit “Submit”

Blocked loading mixed active content “”

Error was displayed in console window.

For General Reference

Cookie “mautic_focus_2” will be soon rejected because it has the “SameSite” attribute set to “None” or an invalid value, without the “secure” attribute. To know more about the “SameSite“ attribute, read Set-Cookie - HTTP | MDN 2.js:345:51
Cookie “SHR_E_ENC” will be soon rejected because it has the “SameSite” attribute set to “None” or an invalid value, without the “secure” attribute. To know more about the “SameSite“ attribute, read Set-Cookie - HTTP | MDN main.js:1:47689
Cookie “mautic_focus_2” will be soon rejected because it has the “SameSite” attribute set to “None” or an invalid value, without the “secure” attribute. To know more about the “SameSite“ attribute, read Set-Cookie - HTTP | MDN 2.js:352:18
Cookie “mautic_focus_2” will be soon rejected because it has the “SameSite” attribute set to “None” or an invalid value, without the “secure” attribute. To know more about the “SameSite“ attribute, read Set-Cookie - HTTP | MDN 2.js:345:51

so what it mean? Can you please remove my domain too EJL or use shortlink

That you should use google more.

Yes I edited it for you

thank you
nice touch with the guy who complained :slight_smile:
so it is because of HTTPS?
I use SSL plugin on my site though
is there a problem with mautic not using HTTPS?
many people experienced this same problem with submit button not working

look at your tracking code, focus embed code and form embed code and add an “s” to any
it should be
like: `


mt('send', 'pageview');

save it and refresh the page and see if that fixes.

I would bet that if you click settings, then tracking settings the code has http instead of https

you mean inside mautic under settings too? My domain name?
Yes I understand for embed form…thank you I will try it out?
EJL are you the dev working for aquia?

but here is the problem, the url is strange, it has // infront

<script src="//" type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8" async="async"></script>

should I change it

<script src="" type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8" async="async"></script>

No , Im a business gentleman from Texas.