Do not Contact as Filter/Column in Segments/Reports

At the moment, if you manually unsubscribe from Email a contact (API call or manually going into contact preferences or manually setting Do Not Contact in contacts view) there is no way to filter segments or reports based on this activity.

So like at the moment, I can not create a segment or a report that contains people that I manually/API unsubscribed. They are there in Mautic but I can not only display these contacts…

I think these groups of people would benefit from this idea: Anyone looking to do exports of contacts, have an overview of the amount of people in their DB that are DNC, …

Why I think they would benefit from this idea: I am assuming the only way to do this at the moment is to go in the backend and query the database somehow. Not even sure this is possible, I am not technical enough to do that.

Looking forward to know if I am the only one in this situation or if this has been a debated topic before…

Yes we would like this feature as well


Hey Yaniss.

This would be an amazing feature to have, unfortunately it is not there yet. But as you mentioned you can go to the database and export these contacts.

They way you would do it would be if you have terminal access (via ssh or some other emulator)

  1. mysql -u root
  2. connect mautic_db_name
  3. select email from leads, lead_donotcontact where lead_donotcontact.lead_id =;

you can do this from the command line and drop all the results into a file like this:

mysql -u root -e “select email from leads, lead_donotcontact where lead_donotcontact.lead_id =” mautic_db_name >> donotcontact_list.csv

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This should be a basic feature by now. These command line solutions are not acceptable for marketing end users.

I’d use phpmyadmin to export database tables, only slightly less crappy than using command line - why has SSH suddenly become the way to do everything in the last five years? Damn millennials…

Edit: Or has this now been implemented? When you export a segment’s contacts, there is no ‘do not contact’ column in the csv/xlxs. How can I get that data?

If you export a segment via Reports, there is no ‘do not contact’ column there either, but you can a report from data source ‘do not contact’ and use other filters to get what you want, but there is no option to filter by segment or campaign at that point. I’d still prefer to just have it as a standard, essential column for any contact data…

If I am not mistaken this is now possible inside a segment:

@modifiedcontent - I wish I was a millennial :slight_smile: I was bought up in the world of Solaris Systems - should give you an idea of my age :slight_smile:

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Thanks @mikew, that is another option to get something, but you have to clone and create a new segment to apply that filter. Still not ideal.

The segment filter “Unsubscribed - email” does not apply to “manual” Do Not Contacts. It filters only the other type. “Manual” is a bit confusing term in this context because it includes setting do not contact through campaign or import as well as setting it literally manually.