Duplicated contatcs

Your software
My Mautic version is: 3.1.0 (running in Kubernetes with the image mautic/mautic:v3)
My PHP version is: 7.3.20

Your problem
My problem is:
Tracking websites generates multiples POST /mtc/event requests to Mautic. If a contact hits the page mytrackeddomain.com/example, I can see 5 "POST /mtc/event HTTP/1.1" 200 "https://mytrackeddomain.com/example/" in the logs.
I think this is causing contacts to be duplicated. I can see duplicated contacts created with the same access to https://mytrackeddomain.com/example. One contact register 1 hit and the other register 4 hits to the page.

What could be causing the multiple POST requests?
Iā€™m new to Mautic and out of ideas of the cause.

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