Dynamic fields in subject

Hello, I think it would be very useful to insert dynamic fields in email’s subject.

Hello, I think it would be very useful to insert dynamic fields in email’s subject.

You mean like use lead’s first name in the emails’ subject ? Sound idea I will second to that.

Yes @Radek , you got it.

This functionality would be excellent.

Are you sure it doesn’t work already? I just tested it with this subject:

email: {leadfield=email}

and the email field was replaced with actual email of the lead after send.

It does work, however I found that newly populated fields in some contacts don’t pull through until one has logged out and back in again after updating the contacts?

You can also pull data from forms using:


If the email is sent using a action on the form.

Although I wasn’t able to use this on URLs because they are encoded.

What happens if you use dynamic fields (e.g. name) with users who you don’t have that information for? Is it possible to give a fall back?

For example, if I send an email starting out with “Hey [name],” is it possible for leads whose names I don’t have to have a fallback, for example, “Hey buddy,” ?

Just a thought but have you tried using dynamic content?

Using your examples:
In the email screen, go to dynamic content and create a default of “Hey {leadfield=firstname},”. Create a variation of “Hey buddy,” and set the filter to first name and not empty.

[quote=16273:@ethanzinho]What happens if you use dynamic fields (e.g. name) with users who you don’t have that information for? Is it possible to give a fall back?

For example, if I send an email starting out with “Hey [name],” is it possible for leads whose names I don’t have to have a fallback, for example, “Hey buddy,” ?[/quote]

Yes, you can use {contactfield=firstname|there}

Note the pipe symbol and the alternative value right after it. You have to add it in code view. Tested it. It works.

P.S. This doesn’t seem to be described in the docs, I found out through Github that this feature exists, after making a feature request for it.

I tried {contactfield=firstname} in the subject line and it work like a breeze! Cool feature yet very personalized!

@Paul999 Thank you! I tried it and I don’t think it worked (got [name] in the test email). But I just saw you said to add it in code view, so next time I’ll try that. Thanks again.

@ethanzinho It doesn’t work in test emails, it only works in emails that are sent out the regular way.

@paul999 Gotcha. I was a bit hesitant to send it out without being sure. Thank you!

Also works great with me!