EMAIL | Send after/wait until date and/or time


Is it possible to send an email on a specific day of the week at a specific time?

Here is my scenario:

User signs up on Thursday and is sent email 1 immediately. The next email needs to be sent on a Monday.

How do I configure this?

Here is Send Email dialog window with the respective options:


Am I missing something obvious?

Options like “next Monday” or “every Monday” or “first Monday in odd month” are not yet implemented to Mautic. You can create a feature request for it:


Thanks for the reply.

I have opened a ticket as requested.


Is it possible to send an email on a specific day of the week at a specific time?

Here is my scenario:

User signs up on Thursday and is sent email 1 immediately. The next email needs to be sent on a Monday.

How do I configure this?

Here is Send Email dialog window with the respective options:

Am I missing something obvious?