Email Send Queue issue

Thanks, I also found your post here which is very helpful
(Mautic Command Options and Arguments)

This should help with my trigger I will look at updating this, I was wondering if maybe [BATCH-LIMIT] doesn’t work as I expected as well?

These were some of the notes for mautic:segments:update in the link above.
-b, --batch-limit[=BATCH-LIMIT]
Set batch size of contacts to process per round. Defaults to 300. [default: 300]
-m, --max-contacts[=MAX-CONTACTS]
Set max number of contacts to process per segment for this script execution. Defaults to all. [default: false]

However when the above runs mautic:segments:update --batch-limit=900 it adds all 8k contacts to my segment in the first run. If I were to only want to add 900 at a time would I have the user the MAX-CONTACTS instead? If so do you have a better idea of exactly what ‘Set batch size of contacts to process per round.’ this pertains to?

As a note, I did update to --max-contacts=900 and it works as expected. This makes me think I’m misunderstanding batch-limit. Does it basically loop through and process x number at a time however if the max-contacts isn’t set it will process them all?

So say I wanted to process 100 at a time, but process 300 total for a run I would set --batch-limit=100 --max-contacts=300. What is the advantage of this, just that processing 100 at a time and 300 total causes less of a spike?

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