Your software
My Mautic version is: 3.3.3
My PHP version is: 7.3.30
My Database type and version is: MariaDB v5.5.68
Your problem
My problem is:
This is how the email queue handling is currently setup in my Mautic instance.
This is the cron job setup on the VPS to send mails.
My understanding (or the intended behavior) is to send 50 emails in one blast, wait for 3 minutes before sending another set of 50. Also for the cron, to check every minute if any email is waiting to be sent, and send it.
Contrary to the expectations, when i setup a campaign to send the emails, it shows it sent to all the 8k+ contacts in one go. Now if have no way to know if the mails were sent in the queue or in a single blast. Also, if all the emails were sent out in one blast, then how exactly to stagger these options for the intended behavior.
These errors are showing in the log:
These are not errors, however from the very beginning of the campaign, this has been showing to have been sent to everybody in one go.
Also, if all the emails got sent in one go, I think many of them would not have gotten sent to the recipients as they would have expired after 5 days. Is there a way to know of such cases so that the mailer could be sent to remaining contacts?
Steps I have tried to fix the problem:
I have tried all in my understanding to get it working as per the expectations, but in vain.