Your software
My Mautic version is: v5.1.1
My PHP version is: 8.2.25
My Database type and version is: MySQL 8.0.36-28
My host is: Siteground
Your problem
My problem is: Mautic reports email as sent after successful Campaign trigger, but the contact never receives the email.
These errors are showing in the log:
No errors are reported.
Steps I have tried to fix the problem:
I tested the sign up form (on my Elementor-built website) in an incognito window with a throw-away email address. The campaign triggers and the contact is added & properly segmented. My cronjobs function correctly and emails get consumed successfully.
Most likely emails are stuck in a queue because the host is not able to process that well enough.
Also its not ideal i think to run consumers as cronjobs, running consumers is more in a domain of systemd services or something similar.
It happened to me once before. If you are using shared hosting use sync. mode for sending. Its not ideal to have a production instance sending out like that, but if consumers do not work you do not really have much choice.
Thanks for your reply. I just checked my test mail again and the email was sent, but with quite a delay. I followed the general concensus that if you have more than 1000 subscribers you should send using doctrine. I have 2000 subscribers at the moment. Should I go back to sync?
Using queue should generally be faster. However that was not the case on shared hosting for me, so if I would be in your position I would try out sync.
Sync is used as the default for queueing. So what I did was got into Settings/Configuration/Queue settings and under Queue for email (SMS and push messages) and Queue for hits (page and email) set the “Scheme” fields back to “sync”. This should do it.