Your software
My Mautic version is 3.1.2:
My PHP version is: 7.3.*
My Database type and version is: mysql 8
Your problem
Figuring out a way to integrate unsubscribe && preference center into my website.
a) avoid taking user to mautic domain and potentially loosing their focus on features on our site.
b) I dont want to expose hosted mautic address to limit attack surface
I was thinking I need some way to uniquely identify user when user comes to our website - so I can find them via mautic api search. I can embed user’s email into unsubscribe link going to our website’s url - and render custom unsubscribe&& preference center using api calls. However then anyone can unsubscribe anyone else’s preferences as long as they provide valid email…
There’s gotta be a better way.
I was thinking - I can add custom field to mautic with some unique user id/token populated when I add a user (via api) -> then I can use that unique number/token instead to lookup user in mautic not using their email. That will probably work ok, with caveat that I can only add users via website so unique id is always populated?
Does any one of you folks integrate it onsite? ^ is above custom field approach is the way to go? or is there a better way?