Error with the Webhook

Your software
My Mautic version is: V 3.2.1
My PHP version is: 7.3
My Database type and version is: 10.2.34-MariaDB

Your problem
My problem is:
Every time the webhook is activated I get this error
returned 503
The url is correct, I have checked it several times and it is fine. But I can’t solve it and I don’t know how to fix it either.
This webhook is a connection with wordpress and Mautic
As in this image

These errors are showing in the log:

Steps I have tried to fix the problem:

Hi, are you calling a webhook inside Mautic? What is the URL? (mask your real url, just give us the ending).
Or Mautic is calling a webhook in Wordpress?

I have connected Wordpress with the “WP fusion” plugin to Mautic. The wp fusion gives me some codes to link them to the url.

I have the same system installed in another Mautic V 3.0.2 and it works perfectly.

This way wp fusion tells me to apply the url.

When applying the test it says: Error detected

Just to be sure: ssl is working?

Yes, my server is from your installation with SSL and I use cloudflare. With the Mautic I commented that if it is working I have the same with SSL and cloudflare. Both are configured the same.

But with the MAutic V3.2.1 that is not working, to test I put a permission rule in the firewall for IP and to allow the query string “wpf_action”. With the Mautic that if it works it doesn’t have any firewall rule. And it works fine.

That’s why I understand that the problem must be in this Mautic V3.2.1. Because to the same wordpress I connected the Mautic that goes well and it does work.
Then I reconnected this Mautic that gives error, obviously cleaned all caches from all places and gives the error.

Thanks for helping me

It’s already working out.


Mautic was working well.
The problem was the firewall of the website where Mautic connects.
After giving permission for access to the query string that the webhook has, it was fixed.

Thank you