Export / import from mariadb to mysql

Your software
My Mautic version is: 5.0rc1
My PHP version is: 8.0.30
My Database type and version is: mariadb 10.5.23-1 and mysql-community 8.0.36

Your problem

My problem is: I’m trying to migrate my existing mautic data from a mariadb db to a new server running mysql-community. The challenge is some “generated” columns and keys in the export, mysql doesn’t like.

I was following some howto’s on removing these generated definitions in the export, importing and re-adding them. Then it complained about some “generated” keys, again howtos on removing them, importing and re-adding. Then more issues. Time to stop and ask for help.

Is there a better approach to my goal. I need this running on mysql and need all my data from the old server.

Thanks for any advice.

Bumping my inquiry. Anyone have experience import/export to Mysql?