Form is not Redirecting to URL after successful Submit. Mautic 5

My software:
My Mautic version is: 5.0.4
My PHP version is: 8.1
My Database type and version is: MariaDB: 10.6.18

My problem:


I found this problem after updating from 4.* to 5.*

My form collects entries but after submitting the form the “Successful Submit Action” which is Redirection to Url doesn’t work → the submit button keeps showing “Please wait…”.

I found here some tips like adding redirection url to CORS but it doesn’t work.

I also need to add that in Mautic 4.* this redirection worked flawlessley.

To figure it out I created a testing form (in 5.0.4) which you can enter here: 1. TestingRedirectionAfterSubmit. Please, do not hesitate to fill in this form as it is for testing purposes only.

If you can help me solving this problem I would be most grateful.

Kind regards,


These errors are showing in the log: There are no errors in log file