I have a form set up with an action to “Send email to User” once the form is filled out. However when using Chrome browser, the form is stuck on submit and will not redirect to the specified link… If I remove the “Send email to User” action, then the form will submit and redirect correctly.
I get this error in the Javascript Console:
JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed, version 1.4.1
leads.dropcents.com/form/submit?formId=22:1 POST http://leads.dropcents.com/form/submit?formId=22 500 (Internal Server Error)
app.js?v175cd4ec:216 Uncaught DOMException: Blocked a frame with origin “http://leads.dropcents.com” from accessing a cross-origin frame.
at HTMLDocument. (http://leads.dropcents.com/media/js/app.js?v175cd4ec:216:67)
at fire (http://leads.dropcents.com/media/js/libraries.js?v175cd4ec:328:299)
at Object.fireWith [as resolveWith] (http://leads.dropcents.com/media/js/libraries.js?v175cd4ec:333:198)
at Function.ready (http://leads.dropcents.com/media/js/libraries.js?v175cd4ec:340:11)
at HTMLDocument.completed (http://leads.dropcents.com/media/js/libraries.js?v175cd4ec:340:291)
I have a form set up with an action to “Send email to User” once the form is filled out. However when using Chrome browser, the form is stuck on submit and will not redirect to the specified link… If I remove the “Send email to User” action, then the form will submit and redirect correctly.
I get this error in the Javascript Console:
JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed, version 1.4.1
leads.dropcents.com/form/submit?formId=22:1 POST http://leads.dropcents.com/form/submit?formId=22 500 (Internal Server Error)
app.js?v175cd4ec:216 Uncaught DOMException: Blocked a frame with origin “http://leads.dropcents.com” from accessing a cross-origin frame.
at HTMLDocument. (http://leads.dropcents.com/media/js/app.js?v175cd4ec:216:67)
at fire (http://leads.dropcents.com/media/js/libraries.js?v175cd4ec:328:299)
at Object.fireWith [as resolveWith] (http://leads.dropcents.com/media/js/libraries.js?v175cd4ec:333:198)
at Function.ready (http://leads.dropcents.com/media/js/libraries.js?v175cd4ec:340:11)
at HTMLDocument.completed (http://leads.dropcents.com/media/js/libraries.js?v175cd4ec:340:291)