Hello and few tips.

[h]This is my first post so i want to say Hello.[/h]

First i had some issues running campaigns and sending emails.

Did 2 installations of Mautic one with external cronjobs and one with internal without luck.

Then i executed directly the cron command …/././././app/console mautic:email:process and found the error


Command “mautic:email:process” is not defined.

Did you mean one of these?





So then in crontab -e

i made 4 crons with each one of these options and removed mautic:email:process from the list

CTRL O enter CTRL X to save and exit.

It worked but just in case i rebooted the server.

So if You have the same issue You my try this workaround.

Ok second Thing is dealing with templates. I build a small utility that will create exact copy of Oxygen template and rename all the instances with your name. It is dead simple one field for the name of your theme and a button to create it. Then u just upload the files into the themes folder and can use and customize it or it can serve for a blueprint for developing a custom theme. If there is a interest i could make the program to work with all existing themes but as i build it for me i don’t need this extra for now.

If anyone wants it PM me- it’s free and saves lots of time.

Happy marketing.


[h]This is my first post so i want to say Hello.[/h]
First i had some issues running campaigns and sending emails.
Did 2 installations of Mautic one with external cronjobs and one with internal without luck.
Then i executed directly the cron command …/././././app/console mautic:email:process and found the error
Command “mautic:email:process” is not defined.
Did you mean one of these?

So then in crontab -e
i made 4 crons with each one of these options and removed mautic:email:process from the list
CTRL O enter CTRL X to save and exit.
It worked but just in case i rebooted the server.
So if You have the same issue You my try this workaround.

Ok second Thing is dealing with templates. I build a small utility that will create exact copy of Oxygen template and rename all the instances with your name. It is dead simple one field for the name of your theme and a button to create it. Then u just upload the files into the themes folder and can use and customize it or it can serve for a blueprint for developing a custom theme. If there is a interest i could make the program to work with all existing themes but as i build it for me i don’t need this extra for now.
If anyone wants it PM me- it’s free and saves lots of time.
Happy marketing.

I had the same problem and changed autic:email:process to mautic:emails:sendt

The e- mails have been fired
