How do I add an image file to the email body?

Your software
My Mautic version is: v5.1
My PHP version is: v8.2
My Database type and version is: MySQL v8.0

Your problem
How do I add an image file to the email body? There is no option to add an image in the editor!

Hi @okagoogle,

It’s not possible to add images directly within a text element. Instead, you should use the image module for this purpose.

On the right side of the GrapeJS builder, under the “Blocks” section, you’ll find an option labeled “Image.” Drag and drop this block into your email where you want the image to appear. Then, click on the image to replace it with your desired image.

I hope this helps!

Best regards,

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I mean, yeh I know about this method, but I saw some YouTube videos where they were adding images directly within a text element. I guess it was Mautic 4. Is this discontinued in version 5 or did I misunderstand? Thanks.

You should not do that, cause It won’t be responsive.
Maybe you want to do a 2 column setup, where you have a column with image and a column with text?

Yeah, got it. I was just asking if it was possible earlier since I even saw it in your videos