How many field length to store in refer URL?

How many field length to store in refer URL?

I have sample Unicode URL that’s we have is.ใครว่า-open-source-cms-ทำได้แค่เว็บเล็กๆ-มาดู-joomla-cms-สิทำได้มากกว่าที่คุณคิด.html

and in Mautic Lead it stare as

How many field length to store in refer URL?

I have sample Unicode URL that’s we have is.ใครว่า-open-source-cms-ทำได้แค่เว็บเล็กๆ-มาดู-joomla-cms-สิทำได้มากกว่าที่คุณคิด.html

and in Mautic Lead it stare as

Hi Joomlacorner

So I just checked the page_hits table for the referer field and the length is 255. I inserted your sample unicode URL and it did get truncated.

I’ve opened an issue on Github about this because I agree this field should be permitted to be longer: