How to install Acquia's Custom Objects plugin?

The latest version of the CO plugin is broken as it needs some new code in Mautic. But that cannot get into Mautic 4 anymore as it’s security-fixes only mode.

This is related issue with the code changes needed in Mautic, but it will never get back into Mautic 4:

Another option is to use some older version of the CO plugin.


I also realized there must be a ‘cut’ between M4 and M5.
I have the following branch in production for a client:
Works for me just fine.
Of course I suggest to use the latest version.



Thanks for the replies. I haven’t had the time to really dive into it anymore. I tried this one as well, but I still couldn’t get it to work.

Do you use a composer install?

Hello guys please have you finally instal the plugin?

hello @joeyk i had an issue while installing mc-cs-plugin-custom-objects in mautic 4.4
please can you help me?. i try clearing the cash but it’s still showing thesame error. thank in advance.

hello @escopecz i had an issue while installing mc-cs-plugin-custom-objects in mautic 4.4
please can you help me?. i try clearing the cash but it’s still showing thesame error. thank in advance.

Hi, can you plz paste here:

  1. what Mautic version you have
  2. which branch you installed and how (composer, download etc.)

Thanks for reply Sir. I have mautic 4.4 and i instal it manually

Ok. Which branch? See my comment above regarding the branch i tested with m4

but it’s showing this error.

This the branch

Okay so:

That is not a branch. That is a repository, but that’s okay, you are very close.

This is where you are now:

Scroll up and read what I’m writing:

Scroll further above to my comment:

This is the Branch you need.

Now how can you download that if you do manuall install?

Go to Github:

Click here

Then click here:


Copy the URL with left click and use that for download.

Let me know how it went.

Thank Sir. I will let you know when done.
i’m using mautic 4.4.11

Thank Sir i successfully install the plugin but i have this error whenever a add a product in the objet created and i can’t import from other source too.

Plz share relevant logs from Gear icon > system > logs

Dear @joeyk I am fighting with the same problem.

I run Mautic v5.0.3 without composer. My PHP version is 8.0.30.
Can you confirm that the plugin is compatible with my Mautic and PHP version?

I downloaded the mentioned branch and extracted it into the plugins folder. Renamed it to CustomObjectsBundle.
I run the php80 ./mautic/bin/console mautic:plugins:install command. The result is 0 new plugins were installed and 0 updated.
I run php80 ./mautic/bin/console cache:clear and receiving error: Compile Error: Access level to MauticPlugin\CustomObjectsBundle\Controller\CustomObject\FormController::renderForm() must be protected (as in class Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController) or weaker
Do you have any idea, how to fix it?

I also tried to install the plugin using php80 ./mautic/bin/console mautic:marketplace:install acquia/mc-cs-plugin-custom-objects -vvv. This time I got this error: Error while installing this plugin. Check the logs for more details or run again with the -vvv parameter.
The log contains this: [2024-02-26T18:20:28.411523+00:00] mautic.WARNING: Command mautic:marketplace:install exited with status code 2 {“hostname”:“s50”,“pid”:861212}
Is this because of the lack of composer?

Szia, and welcome to the community.
I don’t have a live install on 5.0.3, we still use it in 4.4.11.
maybe @escopecz can confirm it.

@laszlo.janos can you check if his comment above is a fix?

Hello @joeyk @escopecz please i’m facing this issue after installing custom objet and when i want to add new item or import something it’s show me the screen below. please for help. i’m using mautic 4.4.11 with PHP 7.4.33.

what i have don : i have clear the cash

error in the log : [2024-02-27 08:06:21] mautic.CRITICAL: Uncaught PHP Exception Symfony\Component\Debug\Exception\FatalThrowableError: “Attempted to call an undefined method named “loadMetadata” of class “MauticPlugin\CustomObjectsBundle\Entity\AbstractCustomFieldValue”.” at /var/www/html/mautic/vendor/doctrine/persistence/src/Persistence/Mapping/Driver/StaticPHPDriver.php line 65 {“exception”:“[object] (Symfony\Component\Debug\Exception\FatalThrowableError(code: 0): Attempted to call an undefined method named "loadMetadata" of class "MauticPlugin\CustomObjectsBundle\Entity\AbstractCustomFieldValue". at /var/www/html/mautic/vendor/doctrine/persistence/src/Persistence/Mapping/Driver/StaticPHPDriver.php:65)”} {“hostname”:“ip-172-31-39-150”,“pid”:467}


Plz don’t ping everyone in the community one by one. If someone has time to answer, they will.

I’m - personally not answering here, because it works for me, never encountered your issues. I have no idea how to fix it.

Thanks Sir