PHP fatal error why installing Acquia’s Custom Objects plugin

Your software
My Mautic version is: 5.02
My PHP version is: 8.0.21
My Database type and version is:MYSQL8

Your problem
My problem is:
Hello guys i got this error why installing Acquia’s Custom Objects plugin please i need help (How to install Acquia's Custom Objects plugin?)

error: PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Undefined constant Mautic\LeadBundle\LeadEvents::LIST_FILTERS_MERGE in /var/www/html/mautic/plugins/CustomObjectsBundle/EventListener/SegmentFiltersMergeSubscriber.php:27 Stack trace:
These errors are showing in the log:

Steps I have tried to fix the problem: I deleted my cash but it’s still showing thesmae error

Hi, did you solve the issue. I’m also trying to install in on M5, and tired almost all the branches, still nothing?

no luck here too.
and now i have my mautic down…

i guess that nobody is using it on M5. also the same with twitter plugin on M5.
considering going back to M4…