How to interpret number used for sent label


I am in trouble in intepreting number used in sent label under stat showed at

: how is possible that there are really big numbers (out of logic!) not reflecting actual sent messages? Does this number someway shceduled items or unfiltered messages? The number is also far from the sum you can get from the chart stat from detail at

Anyway the number used for Read label is genuine, so in this case is not confusing.

Looking for suggestions how to interpret the value shown just in "Sent".

I am in trouble in intepreting number used in sent label under stat showed at /s/emails: how is possible that there are really big numbers (out of logic!) not reflecting actual sent messages? Does this number someway shceduled items or unfiltered messages? The number is also far from the sum you can get from the chart stat from detail at /s/emails/view/ID

Anyway the number used for Read label is genuine, so in this case is not confusing.

Looking for suggestions how to interpret the value shown just in “Sent”.

It could be a bug. Can you post here screenshot of the email overview and the email detail?

there are two sample screenshots. The first is the email overview, where I picked one email; as you can see I focused over Sent and Read labels.
Here is the number in Sent I need to unfold and clear why it is very big…

The same email detail shows rational number for Sent

Any hints and suggession are very welcome

Hi, I have spotted a variant case, but I hope to better understand the logic behind email report numbers.

I tseems numbers are outputted by getSentCount from /app/bundles/EmailBundle/Entity/Email.php . What I dont understand now is why from email list getSentCount is called with includeVariants set as true.

What’s the purposte, or better, how to read the big value as variants?
