How to modify letter case for names and emails?

Is there a way to make all first name and last names start with a capital letter?


Is there a way to make all email addresses lower case?

Perhaps a script that can be run in the database?

My immediate issue with data already in Mautic.

But as a follow on it would be great to have the ability to for forms to auto format captured data to be the correct case irrespective of the case the visitor used when completing the form

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No takers for an answer, for 13 mo’s? This doesn’t bode well…

Actually you can do it with the Twig Templates plugin. This would not change it in the DB, but would show the right outcome in Emails.

{{ contact.firstname|capitalize }}

I ended up solving this using n8n. I grabbed all the records via api, used n8n and a code node to add the capital letters and then pushed the data back to Mautic.

I did the same with phone numbers to get them into the same format.

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