I am unable to customise the contact table

I’m running the latest mautic release
PHP ver: 7.4 :
I am unable to customise the contact table. There should be an option in the top right corner on the contact page to add columns but i dont see it.

Can you send a screenshot?


As you can see i only have these 4 options, there should be an option to change the columns shown

I don’t think there should be an option like that.
The option you are looking for is here:
Ger Icon > Configuration > Contact settings

Thank you. I found what i was looking for.

One last thing, would it be possible to add tags to be displayed in one of these columns?

As far as I know you can’t show tags there.
You can filter for tags by entering this in the search:


This would show all the contacts with the ‘test’ tag.


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