I reinstalled without composer / anyone not having composer issues?

So, I’ve reinstalled two of my Mautic installations without Composer (M5.1) …

Previously I’ve updated from a source code install to Composer. The result was :

  • Issues with updates. I can’t remember the versions, but it never worked without errors.
  • Somehow I always seem to run into issues with Composer and npm - and cannot resolve them, whatever versions I’m using.

My question is: is anyone out there not having issues with composer installs and/or updates? If so I’d like to know so, because that would mean the problem is me - and I have to do some more digging … However, if the composer installations/updates are still problematic, I decided to not spend more time on them at this moment …

I have set up a Debian docker environment with Mautic 5.0.4 in composer mode via the GitHub - mautic/recommended-project: This project template provides a starter kit for managing your Mautic dependencies with Composer. and upgraded it lately to Mautic 5.1.0 successfully.

I’ve done 1 successful upgrade with Composer… can’t remember which version to which … I had to change the Composer file manually to get it to work … Now it seems it’s part of the upgrade process …

However, I run into all kinds of other problems, which probably have to do with either my server setup, … or something else which I don’t feel like figuring out …

It could be a server provider thing though, and I don’t have the time (or energy) to look for solutions …

For now, a source code install gives me zero issues and zero errors …