Influencer Tracking


Is there any “influencer tracking” features? For instance, can we see the lifetime activity based on a link? Who shared it, who then shared if fromt hat share, and so forth. We would like to see more analytics on the users reach and influence. If we have a share-2-win campaign, is it possible to see the spider-web or geneology of the link share and who clicked and shared on a third level, fourth level?

I hope this makes sense…


Is there any “influencer tracking” features? For instance, can we see the lifetime activity based on a link? Who shared it, who then shared if fromt hat share, and so forth. We would like to see more analytics on the users reach and influence. If we have a share-2-win campaign, is it possible to see the spider-web or geneology of the link share and who clicked and shared on a third level, fourth level?

I hope this makes sense…

Yes, it makes sense and I think it would be great feature. You can submit feature request at

Hi, we are looking for ways to track the influence of leads based upon the results of there social sharing activities.

Lead 1 shared on social, and his share was re-shared 6 levels deep

Lead 2 shared on social and his share was reshard 12 levels deep, there force he has higher influence.

Is there any way to track this type of activity?