Installation FAILS -- clean 2.1 install

Initial Installation problem…

Hi Guys,

I’m not even able to get to the initial installation screen. I’ve read the installation instructions, searched all over the forums, and have root to my server. I’m running Php 5.6.24, MySQL 5.1.73, Apache 2.2.15, and Centos 6.8.

I’m not a NOOB to server admin. This is a dedicated machine - but I do have other sites on the box. I’ve been through both apache logs (all issues cleared) and Mautic logs. The Mautic logs aren’t giving me enough information to a clear solution.

This is a new installation of 2.1.0 - freshly downloaded today. I’m trying to install to - on the root level.

I’m getting the following error:

[2016-08-24 19:13:56] mautic.CRITICAL: Uncaught PHP Exception Exception: “There is no suitable CSPRNG installed on your system” at /home/…/ line 185 {“exception”:"[object] (Exception(code: 0): There is no suitable CSPRNG installed on your system at /home/…/"} []

From what I understand, CSPRING seems to refer to an Open_basedir restriction. I have tried the following

  1. php_admin_value open_basedir “/home/…/”

    Generates the error above

  2. Completely Removed

    Same error as Above

  3. php_admin_value open_basedir “/dev/urandom/:.”

    When I make this change, the same error above appears - But the folder is owned by Root. Is it really safe to give apache ownership of this folder? Has anyone else done this? BUT – The error should actually mention a privilege issue and it doesn’t. AND - because of result #2 - doesn’t seem like it’ll make a difference.

    What is CSPRING? The only reference that I see of it in the forums simply refers to open_basedir issues or complains that the user is on some sort of shared / non-root server and doesn’t give any clear technical solution.

    Thanks. I was looking forward to trying Mautic. I’m a bit dissuaded from not even being able to get to the initial install screen.


Initial Installation problem…

Hi Guys,

I’m not even able to get to the initial installation screen. I’ve read the installation instructions, searched all over the forums, and have root to my server. I’m running Php 5.6.24, MySQL 5.1.73, Apache 2.2.15, and Centos 6.8.

I’m not a NOOB to server admin. This is a dedicated machine - but I do have other sites on the box. I’ve been through both apache logs (all issues cleared) and Mautic logs. The Mautic logs aren’t giving me enough information to a clear solution.

This is a new installation of 2.1.0 - freshly downloaded today. I’m trying to install to - on the root level.

I’m getting the following error:
[2016-08-24 19:13:56] mautic.CRITICAL: Uncaught PHP Exception Exception: “There is no suitable CSPRNG installed on your system” at /home/…/ line 185 {“exception”:"[object] (Exception(code: 0): There is no suitable CSPRNG installed on your system at /home/…/"} []

From what I understand, CSPRING seems to refer to an Open_basedir restriction. I have tried the following

  1. php_admin_value open_basedir “/home/…/”
    Generates the error above

  2. Completely Removed
    Same error as Above

  3. php_admin_value open_basedir “/dev/urandom/:.”
    When I make this change, the same error above appears - But the folder is owned by Root. Is it really safe to give apache ownership of this folder? Has anyone else done this? BUT – The error should actually mention a privilege issue and it doesn’t. AND - because of result #2 - doesn’t seem like it’ll make a difference.

What is CSPRING? The only reference that I see of it in the forums simply refers to open_basedir issues or complains that the user is on some sort of shared / non-root server and doesn’t give any clear technical solution.

Thanks. I was looking forward to trying Mautic. I’m a bit dissuaded from not even being able to get to the initial install screen.


AH!!! Got it!

Thanks a million for setting me on the right path. This should work. I’ll ping you with the good news tomorrow.



I finally got the MySql upgrade. For the benefit of other Centos 6.x users moving from 5.1 to 5.5, the Atomic repo was the easiest solution. I know this isn’t a forum for this specific use-case but wanted to leave a small ‘hint’ at the solution for others.

After enabling repo, installation looks like this

yum remove mysql-*

yum --enablerepo=atomic info mysql-server

Name : mysql-server
Arch : x86_64
Version : 5.5.47
Release :
Size : 10 M Repo : atomic

#yum --enablerepo=atomic install mysql-server mysql-devel

rpm -qa | grep mysql

/etc/init.d/mysqld restart

mysql_upgrade -u root -p --skip-version-check

*Please note - the following mysql_upgrade command is required AFTER starting mysqld:
mysql_upgrade -u root -p --skip-version-check

Hi, I am getting following errors :

[2016-09-08 07:42:18] mautic.ERROR: SCHEMA ERROR: An exception occurred while executing ‘SELECT f.alias, f.is_unique_identifer as is_unique, f.type FROM mulead_fields f ORDER BY f.field_order ASC’: SQLSTATE[3D000]: Invalid catalog name: 1046 No database selected [] []

[2016-09-08 07:42:46] mautic.ERROR: Error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded - in file C:xampphtdocsmauticwebvendordoctrinedballibDoctrineDBALDriverPDOStatement.php - at line 35 [] []

[2016-09-08 08:39:34] mautic.NOTICE: DoctrineDBALExceptionConnectionException: An exception occurred while executing ‘SHOW FULL TABLES WHERE Table_type = ‘BASE TABLE’’: SQLSTATE[3D000]: Invalid catalog name: 1046 No database selected (uncaught exception) at C:xampphtdocsmauticwebvendordoctrinedballibDoctrineDBALDriverAbstractMySQLDriver.php line 103 while running console command doctrine:schema:update [] []

How to fix these ?