Introducing free MJML Email Templates for the Mautic Community!

Hi Mauticians,

I’m thrilled to announce the release of my latest MJML email templates to the Mautic community, and they’re all completely free of charge. In the coming weeks, I plan to contribute further to the Mautic project by officially donating these templates. However, before doing so, I would greatly appreciate your feedback. If you encounter any bugs or have suggestions for improvement, please don’t hesitate to report them on GitHub.

Let me assure you, there’s no hidden agenda here. These email layouts were originally part of my unofficial email design portfolio, and I’ve transformed them into MJML to make them accessible to the entire Mautic community. With a shortage of templates available, I felt it was time to step up and share them with everyone!

When I say they’re free, I mean it. So feel free to use these templates for both personal and commercial purposes without any restrictions.

You can access all four templates on my personal GitHub repository:

Looking forward to hearing your thoughts and seeing how you utilize these templates in your Mautic projects!

Best regards,


Thanks for sharing the templates. I’m going to give them a try. :slightly_smiling_face:

1 Like

I like the templates.

For now only two small points of improvement:

  1. Font buy tickets button in Gmail

  2. Personally, I would change the link color to gray.

Hi @richardnl thanks alot for your feedback, can you write it on GitHub, on that specific theme repository? That way I believe it gonna be easier, and I can follow along all the feedback and bugs! :slight_smile:

Your work is amazing! I’m still learning, so I can’t give you any advice, but I definitely liked what I saw. Well done!

Hi @jjarrett, thank you very much for the compliment! My tip is to always test your email design by sending it to different email clients (Gmail, old and new Outlook versions, Apple Mail) to ensure everything looks perfect.

The most time-consuming part is not the design and development, but the testing phase, as it needs to be thorough. If you need my assistance - or any new Mautic MJML email designer - feel free to reach out to me on Mautic’s Slack: Mautic Community On Slack - Mautic Community