Ipswich UK Mautic Meetup

City - Ipswich<br />

Country - UK

Organizer Name(s) - Ruth Cheesley

Organizer email(s) - ruth.cheesley@viryagroup.com

Proposed First Meetup Time - 21 April 1900hrs

City - Ipswich
Country - UK
Organizer Name(s) - Ruth Cheesley
Organizer email(s) - ruth.cheesley@viryagroup.com
Proposed First Meetup Time - 21 April 1900hrs

I’m so glad to see you’ve been able to get things organized! :slight_smile: Thanks for implementing the colors and layout below so we look consistent. Here are some of the basics to get you started:

URL: http://meetup.com/Mautic-Meetup-Ipswich
Meetup Name: Mautic Meetup Ipswich

Color Scheme:
Banner: #FDB933
Background: -
Links: #4E5E9E
Buttons: #4E5E9E

Header Graphic: https://s3.amazonaws.com/mautic/meetups/mautic_meetup_header_ipswich.png

Let’s get the word out there and help people everywhere understand the power of marketing automation and Mautic.
