List of temporary/trash mail services


I’d like to block emails from temporary or trash email service providers. Do you know a list/collection of domains and services who offer these kind of emails?



I’m going to bump this, because I’m running into the same issue. A lot of users subscribing with spam email addresses and it’s hurting my deliverability plus my overall business. Any information would be helpful. Thanks!

THere are a couple of extensive lists on github. Just one example: A list of all email provider domains (free, paid, blacklist etc). Some of these are probably not around anymore. I've combined a dozen lists from around the web. Current "major providers" should all be in here as of the date this is created. · GitHub

While this list is helpful, I need a list of temporary services only. (In other words, exclude services people use for their primary email addresses like Gmail)

Thanks for posting, but for anyone reading this: Please don’t use this list. Major free email provider like gmail, yahoo, or gmx/web/telekom (for DACH region) are on this list. If you use this list almost noone can subscribe anymore.

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