Marketing Team definition & call for members

Welcome back to the forums!

These sound interesting, but they should be posted in #ideas as feature requests which is the appropriate place to discuss new feature requests.

Please make a post for each one, you can give some background as to the importance of those integrations in the thread :slight_smile:

Please find the notes from the meeting and the recording in the Community Drive:

We have a few actions on our first project relating to the forthcoming release of Mautic 3, which are linked to the content trello board,

Next meeting Wednesday, 27th November at 1600hrs London Time - I’ll create a separate thread with a proposed agenda.

Hello, I would love to be part of the marketing team. I have webmaster experience, so I know a little bit of everything.

I’m currently open for writing blog posts and whatever needs helps. I can be available weekdays after 1:00pm PST.

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Fantastic! Thanks for stepping up and great to have you on board, welcome!

Are you on Slack? You can get an invite at and then join the channel “t-marketing”!

We’re planning to alternate our meetings between early and late to accommodate different timezones, all calls are recorded and shared via Google drive and we are working on a public trello board.

We have a few articles in the pipeline to write, so we’d definitely value some help with that as a starting point!

Hello there, I would like to join the marketing team am a digital strategist

I’m willing to learn more about marketing by joining this team.
Appreciate if any quick references to start with…

Pinging @radu.zlatianu and @tobsowo

Hi Everyone,
Glad you want to join the marketing team. You can join the team on Slack by following this link Slack

Compliments of the Season.

The marketing team welcome volunteers in anyway you can help either writing, editing, Social Media, proofreading, design, video and animation etc.

Please join us Slack or ping myself (@tobsowo) or @deborahsalves.

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