Marketplace list is too short (mautic v4.2.2 or v4.3.1)

Your software
mautic v4.2.2 or v4.3.1

My PHP version is :

I am (delete as applicable): Updating
Upgrading/installing via (delete as applicable) : Command Line

These errors are showing in the installer :
No error, i was able to install Mautic 4.2.2 and upgrade it to 4.3.1 with composer (not easy, thanks to the community for help)
i did clean cache the old fashion way (rm -rf of the folder)
i’m using the last version of mautic now (with 4.2.2 the list gave me only 2 plugins)

Your problem
My problem is :
when i list marketplace i see only 3 plugins :frowning:

php bin/console  mautic:marketplace:list
| name                                             | downloads | favers |
| dennisameling/helloworld-bundle                  | 61        | 0      |
|     Hello World plugin built on the Integrations |           |        |
|     framework.                                   |           |        |
| mtcextendee/mautic-owner-rotator-bundle          | 2         | 3      |
|     Random owner assigment                       |           |        |
| acquia/mc-cs-plugin-custom-objects               | 7         | 7      |
|     This plugin adds custom objects feature.     |           |        |

did i miss something ?

You did not miss anything - plugin developers need to submit their plugins to be added to the allow list, and so far these are the only ones we have had submitted.

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Oh ok because in documentation ( Marketplace | Mautic) list seems really long and i was expecting to see the same list.

Yes, until they submit their plugins for review, they won’t appear in the marketplace.

This is to ensure that we are only listing plugins of good quality, with the appropriate configurations and that are compatible with the current version of Mautic.

If there’s plugins you’d like to see included please do contact their developers and ask them to submit them for consideration!