Merge Custom Fields Group Bundle to Mautic Core

Hello all,

My idea is:

I would like to again bring the topic of merging MZagmajsterFieldGroupBundle to the Mautic core attention of Mautic core team. I have migrated plugin to be compatible with Mautic 5 & wrote the tests.

The repository with the latest code is now located here: < ADRA Network / mautic-field-groups-plugin · GitLab >. The main branch has plugin for Mautic 4, while branch dev_mautic5 has version compatible with Mautic 5.

I think these groups of people would benefit from this idea:

The plugin was useful for multiple people so I think it would really add value to the Mautic core. Like I stated the first time anyone, I see this being used by anyone that needs field groups other then default ones.

Below is just one thread about field group plugin, that supports my claim of plugin being useful to people:

< Custom Contact Field Groups and UI Tabs >

Any code or resources to support this idea:

Are you willing to work on this idea?:

Yes, I am willing to do the necessary work to get this merged to the core. But before I spend time on this I would like to get a ‘go-ahead’ from core team member, so that I do not waste time on something that would ultimately be rejected when I create PR.

So the ultimate goal is to make plugin part of the core, so ideally plugin would be a separate bundle under app/bundles.

What skills and resources do you need to explore this further?

I would like to ask a core team to look at the repository and consider merging it to the core.

My questions on this topic are:

  1. Considering I am prepared to do all the remaining work to get this to the core, can the core team give me the go-ahead on this?

  2. Look at the plugin and let me know in your opinion what else needs doing for the plugin to be acceptable for Mautic core?

Other things to consider:

  1. If plugin becomes part of the core, we do not override templates or translator class, I would adjust the core templates and translator class.

  2. Does it make sense for this plugin to have published / unpublished switch and its turned off by default?

  3. What would need to be done on plugin in order to put it as a separate core bundle (under app/bundles)?

Thank you for your time.

cc: core team, @rcheesley

Best, M.