Merging duplicate contacts

Your software
My Mautic version is: 4.1.1
My PHP version is: PHP Version 7.4.28
My Database type and version is: 10.5.15-MariaDB-0+deb11u1

Your problem
We have a number of duplicate contacts. They’ve probably been introduced via manual uploads. I need to merge these based on e-mail. E-mail should be the only unique identifier specified in our installation.

Steps I have tried to fix the problem:
We tried to run mautic:contacts:deduplicate through the console. This was a success but it only merged very few dupes. So maybe the expected behaviour of this command isn’t what we thought.

Will it only look at dupes that live up to certain criteria but ignore othere?

Is there another automatic way to have all contacts merged based on their e-mail?

How much duplicate contacts are we talking about?

I would try to export all duplicate contacts via csv, decide which one I want to keep and which one to delete.

Then edit csv file so it only contains the contacts I decided to delete from database and then import cleaned csv and set override the value to true in import settings.

Oh, maybe before that I would try to figure out why console command does not work, it sounds very strange.

Hi, is email set up as unique field (key) in your custom field settings?