Your software
My Mautic version is: 5
My PHP version is: 8.1
My Database type and version is: MariaDB 15.1
Your problem
My problem is:Hey everyone so my problem is that when i installed mautic 4, which didnt work for me when i enterned the wizard i configured my mail server, but having switched to mautic 5 now i dont know the right settings in order to add my mail server because till now i have added only the domain. I used iredmail to create the server. Thank you in advance!
Hey there, i have checked the document honestly my biggest confusion is that in mautic 4 when you would like to change the smtp, you had option from where to choose from and one of them was “other smpt server” where i would add my iredmail info, in mautic 5 should i just write other smpt server or iredmail?