Output duplicate directory [2.6]

Updated Mautic to 2.6.

Now, the forms are generated with wrong path.

Here is the path to my mautic (self-hosted): https://subdomain.domain.com/mautic/index.php

When I open a landing page with a form inside, I get this error to my form in the browser-console (Chrome)

GET https://subdomain.domain.com/mautic/mautic/media/js/mautic-form.js

Can someone understand it?

Updated Mautic to 2.6.
Now, the forms are generated with wrong path.

Here is the path to my mautic (self-hosted): https://subdomain.domain.com/mautic/index.php

When I open a landing page with a form inside, I get this error to my form in the browser-console (Chrome)

GET https://subdomain.domain.com/mautic/mautic/media/js/mautic-form.js

Can someone understand it?

I’m repeating this again here. :slight_smile:

2.6 is unstable. Avoid using it for the time being. Revert back to 2.5.1 while waiting for the more stable version coming out. I’m waiting patiently for it. :slight_smile:

OK … i’m waiting with you.

I found another inconsistency. If it is one. If a lead deletes its browser-cache and returns to a mautic-form on my page with its e-mail. The lead ID changes to a newer one.

Is this a new behaviour in mautic???

Solved the first Question :wink:

Go to Configuration an remove the subfolder “mautic”. Mautic knows where it is ; )

Change: https://subdomain.domain.com/mautic/index.php to https://subdomain.domain.com/

This solved my issue aswell, but did you noticed that the email links are not working??

If i use in the Configuration -----> General Settings ---->Site url the path:
https://domain.com/ form url is correct but the links in the email are wrong so they dont work.

If i use the https://domain.com/mautic/index.php links in the url are correct but they forms url are duplicated…

Any ideas??

Edit: Mautic 2.7.1

[quote=20265:@markus_k]Solved the first Question :wink:

Go to Configuration an remove the subfolder “mautic”. Mautic knows where it is ; )

Change: https://subdomain.domain.com/mautic/index.php to https://subdomain.domain.com/[/quote]

Hi @markus_k , do your email links have issues?

Hi @MxyzptlkFishStix thanks for reply,

I will try it out, but what about href="{webview_url} this links??

I just tried but it didnt work.
I have the Configuration -----> General Settings ---->Site url path set as follow:
Because if i don’t set it like this the form will not work.

It did not work @MxyzptlkFishStix .

I have the Configuration -----> General Settings ---->Site url path set as follow:

If i change it, forms are not wokring, they duplicate the domain folder

@MxyzptlkFishStix , thanks for helping out.

I have tried this as well but… I might have confused you…sorry.

My forms do work if i set the Configuration -----> General Settings ---->Site url path as follows:

but then the email links do not work.

If i set the Configuration -----> General Settings ---->Site url path as follows:

Then the forms do not work (they dublicate the mautic folder like this https://domain.com/mautic/mautic)

but the email link do work correctly.

So if i fix the forms by changing the Configuration -----> General Settings ---->Site url path i get not working links in email.
If a fix the links in email by changing the Configuration -----> General Settings ---->Site url path then the forms do not work.

So in a way i am forced to keep the Configuration -----> General Settings ---->Site url path to this:

https://domain.com/ (mautic is in the https://domain.com/mautic)

but the email links do not work

Strange things…@MxyzptlkFishStix

I did edit the emails.
But here is something i didnt even try and it works correctly despite i have errors in console.

I used Site url (in settings) https://domain.com/mautic (the real folder that mautic is installed)
I do get the error in console:

GET https://www.mydomain.com/mautic/mautic/media/js/mautic-form.js
(anonymous) @ VM1071:13
(anonymous) @ generate.js?id=1:1

But everything works!
Form works, emails are sent, email links are correct!

But i do have these errors in console.
Any ideas to disappear these errors?

Edit: i dont get the form submit message! I just noticed