Parallel sending e-mails with Amazon API


You can speed up sending, but giving such advice feels like telling someone how to drive with 200 km/hour.
In the woods.
With a skateboard.

Yes, you can set the 1 min limit for sending emails.
This is what I use:
php mautic:emails:send --time-limit=47s --lock_mode=flock
Why 47 percent? because I run this every minute and my system needs 10 sec to start really processing. +3 sec is for safety.

Yes, you can have a different process select the same emails. But if you add a 15 sec delay on the second thread, then the risk is minimum. Do the force option too.
This is the format:
command1 & sleep 15; command2 &

+1 tip: you can also fill up the spool before sending, that helps. Cause spooling is usually 30% of the total time spent on sending.

By using this technique I managed to send REALLY FAST, however my deliverability went down. So use it with caution.

Read this great post for further creative - not safe at all - solutions:

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