Pending emails

Hello friends,

I installed mautic using mysqli everything correctly, create a list, then form page, then e-mail and after the campaign but when I create the campaign and set up to make submissions at intervals, all these emails are as pending and have to submit manually. The shipping should be automated?

Hello friends,

I installed mautic using mysqli everything correctly, create a list, then form page, then e-mail and after the campaign but when I create the campaign and set up to make submissions at intervals, all these emails are as pending and have to submit manually. The shipping should be automated?


If you are setting the emails in the campaigns to be sent at specific intervals, you need to setup the cronjob that will trigger the emails at the specified interval. Scheduled events and events set at intervals have to be triggered by something so the cronjob will make that happen. We don’t want to trigger the events while actually using Mautic as it will result in lots of wait time while the system sends out the emails which would make for an annoying experience.

So, create a cronjob that executes the command:

php /path/to/mautic/app/console mautic:campaign:trigger --env=prod

Set it to execute at whatever interval you want. It can be set to run every so many minutes or once a day depending on your scenario. For example, if your campaigns sends out emails every 3 days, you can have it run once a day. Of course if your campaigns vary significantly, run it every so many minutes.

If you really wanted, you could append --campaign-id=ID to the command where ID is the id of a specific campaign which will allow you to set different cronjob intervals per campaign.

How to setup a cronjob depends on what host you have and what admin tool they use. For cpanel, search for cronjob from your cPanel dashboard. For others, check your host’s documentation.


Hi Alan,

Thank you i ll try this

Best regards