Problem after upgrade: The site is currently offline due to encountering an error

Hi there, below follow all steps I did

I did the automatic update;

It stopped in the last step;

I followed John Linhart post, step: I don’t have SSH access

Everything seems fine, but nothing works … It is possible to login but nothing is working

In the login page, below the Copyright It is showing this message:

The site is currently offline due to encountering an error. If the problem persists, please contact the system administrator.

System administrators, check server logs for errors.

After login this message persists at the bottom.

Screen shots:

Hi there, below follow all steps I did

I did the automatic update;
It stopped in the last step;

I followed John Linhart post, step: I don’t have SSH access

Everything seems fine, but nothing works … It is possible to login but nothing is working

In the login page, below the Copyright It is showing this message:

The site is currently offline due to encountering an error. If the problem persists, please contact the system administrator.
System administrators, check server logs for errors.

After login this message persists at the bottom.

Screen shots:

One more detail …

I followed John Linhart post, step: I don’t have SSH access.

As nothing was working, I did a fresh install as pointed in: 5. Try to update files manually.

Also not effective.

Hi there, my log file:

[2015-09-17 03:00:42] mautic.ERROR: Fatal: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library ‘/usr/local/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20100525/’ - /usr/local/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20100525/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory - in file Unknown - at line 0 [] []

[2015-09-17 03:00:44] mautic.ERROR: Fatal: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library ‘/usr/local/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20100525/’ - /usr/local/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20100525/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory - in file Unknown - at line 0 [] []

[2015-09-17 03:02:48] mautic.ERROR: Fatal: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library ‘/usr/local/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20100525/’ - /usr/local/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20100525/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory - in file Unknown - at line 0 [] []

[2015-09-17 03:07:05] mautic.ERROR: Fatal: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library ‘/usr/local/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20100525/’ - /usr/local/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20100525/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory - in file Unknown - at line 0 [] []

[2015-09-17 03:07:07] mautic.ERROR: Fatal: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library ‘/usr/local/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20100525/’ - /usr/local/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20100525/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory - in file Unknown - at line 0 [] []

Why Mautic is looking for

Not sure about the error message. Have you selected MsSql during installation?

What OS do you use?

I think that’s not a Mautic issue. It doesn’t even start PHP because some mssql library is missing.

Hi, there.

I am using mysql, what is wierd is that it is “half” working, I can log me in, I see the dashboard, but at the bottom It is present that offline message.

I think is something related to this version, last night I installed version 1.1.3 and everything went fine.

I did a fresh install of Mautic, and the problem persist

I also updated my php to 5.5.29

Looking the log file I got:
[2015-09-17 23:34:10] mautic.ERROR: Fatal: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library ‘/usr/local/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20121212/’ - /usr/local/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20121212/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory - in file Unknown - at line 0 [] []

[2015-09-17 23:34:10] mautic.ERROR: Fatal: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library ‘/usr/local/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20121212/’ - /usr/local/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20121212/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory - in file Unknown - at line 0 [] []

why is it calling

I am able to login, when I click any section nothing happens, although, if I click open in a new tab, the section opens …

Could you look at the result AJAX request which happens when you click? Here is short list of How To:

In the browser tab where Mautic with the problem runs:

  1. Refresh the page.
  2. Press F12 - opens the developer tools (best to do that in Google Chrome, but any modern browser has similar tool)
  3. Navigate to Network tab.
  4. Click to the link which doesn’t work. You should see new request to appear. Click on it and details will show up.

Is something in the Response tab?
What Status Code do you see in the Headers tab?

Check the php.ini file and make sure it isn’t trying to load the mssql extension. Usually fatal errors in loading extensions block PHP from executing and shouldn’t let it get into Mautic. Also, check your PHP error logs and even Apache’s error log as that may give some more error details; everything you’ve posted so far is coming from Mautic’s logs which only catches so much activity.

Hi escopecz, the result is below … weird, It return sucess 1 them the offline html …


<title>Site is offline</title>

<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1">
<link rel="icon" type="image/x-icon" href="/mautic120/media/images/favicon.ico" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/mautic120/media/css/libraries.css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/mautic120/media/css/app.css" />

The site is currently offline due to encountering an error. If the problem persists, please contact the system administrator.

System administrators, check server logs for errors.

Another example, Leads > Open in a new tab > Mange Leads, this is the response.
Ajax seems OK, but for some reason it throws the offline page.

{“activeLink”:"#mautic_leadlist_index",“route”:"/mautic120/s/leads/lists",“mauticContent”:“leadlist”,“flashes”:"",“notifications”:{“content”:“n”,“lastId”:"",“hasNewNotifications”:false,“updateAvailable”:true},“browserNotifications”:[],“newContent”:“nu003Cdiv class=u0022content-bodyu0022u003En nu003Cdiv class=u0022page-headeru0022u003En u003Cdiv class=u0022box-layoutu0022u003En u003Cdiv class=u0022col-xs-5 col-sm-6 col-md-5 va-mu0022u003En u003Ch3u003ELead Smart Listsu003C/h3u003En u003C/divu003En u003Cdiv class=u0022col-xs-7 col-sm-6 col-md-7 va-mu0022u003En u003Cdiv class=u0022toolbar text-rightu0022 id=u0022toolbaru0022u003En u003Cdiv class=u0022std-toolbar btn-group hidden-xs hidden-smu0022u003Eu003Ca class=u0022btn btn-defaultu0022 href=u0022/mautic120/s/leads/lists/newu0022 data-toggle=u0022ajaxu0022u003En u003Ci class=u0022fa fa-plusu0022u003Eu003C/iu003E Newnu003C/au003Enu003C/divu003Eu003Cdiv class=u0022dropdown-toolbar btn-group hidden-md hidden-lgu0022u003Eu003Ca class=u0022btn btn-defaultu0022 href=u0022/mautic120/s/leads/lists/newu0022 data-toggle=u0022ajaxu0022 data-menu-link=u0022u0022u003En u003Ci class=u0022fa fa-plusu0022u003Eu003C/iu003E Newnu003C/au003Enu003C/ulu003Eu003C/divu003En u003Cdiv class=u0022toolbar-bundle-buttons pull-leftu0022u003Eu003C/divu003En u003Cdiv class=u0022toolbar-form-buttons hide pull-rightu0022u003En u003Cdiv class=u0022btn-group toolbar-standard hidden-xs hidden-sm u0022u003Eu003C/divu003En u003Cdiv class=u0022btn-group toolbar-dropdown hidden-md hidden-lgu0022u003En u003Cbutton type=u0022buttonu0022 class=u0022btn btn-default btn-mainu0022u003Eu003C/buttonu003En u003Cbutton type=u0022buttonu0022 class=u0022btn btn-default btn-nospin dropdown-toggleu0022 data-toggle=u0022dropdownu0022 aria-expanded=u0022falseu0022u003Eu003Ci class=u0022fa fa-caret-downu0022u003Eu003C/iu003Eu003C/buttonu003En u003Cul class=u0022dropdown-menu dropdown-menu-rightu0022 role=u0022menuu0022u003Eu003C/ulu003En u003C/divu003En u003C/divu003En u003C/divu003En u003Cdiv class=u0022clearfixu0022u003Eu003C/divu003En u003C/divu003En u003C/divu003Enu003C/divu003Etnu003Cdiv class=u0022panel panel-default bdr-t-wdh-0u0022u003En u003Cdiv class=u0022panel-bodyu0022u003En u003Cdiv class=u0022box-layoutu0022u003En u003Cdiv class=u0022col-xs-6 col-lg-8 va-m form-inlineu0022u003En nu003Cdiv class=u0022input-groupu0022u003En u003Cdiv class=u0022input-group-btnu0022u003En u003Cbutton class=u0022btn btn-default btn-nospinu0022 data-toggle=u0022modalu0022 data-target=u0022#-search-helpu0022u003En u003Ci class=u0022fa fa-question-circleu0022u003Eu003C/iu003En u003C/buttonu003En u003C/divu003En n u003Cinput type=u0022searchu0022 class=u0022form-control searchu0022 id=u0022list-searchu0022 name=u0022searchu0022 placeholder=u0022Search…u0022 value=u0022u0022 autocomplete=u0022falseu0022 data-toggle=u0022livesearchu0022 data-tmpl=u0022listu0022 data-action=u0022/mautic120/s/leads/listsu0022 data-overlay=u0022trueu0022 data-overlay-text=u0022keep typing or press enteru0022 /u003En u003Cdiv class=u0022input-group-btnu0022u003En u003Cbutton type=u0022buttonu0022 class=u0022btn btn-default btn-search btn-nospinu0022 id=u0022btn-filteru0022 data-livesearch-parent=u0022list-searchu0022u003En u003Ci class=u0022fa fa-search fa-fwu0022u003Eu003C/iu003En u003C/buttonu003En u003C/divu003Enu003C/divu003Ennnu003Cdiv class=u0022modal fadeu0022 id=u0022-search-helpu0022 tabindex=u0022-1u0022 role=u0022dialogu0022 aria-labelledby=u0022-search-help-labelu0022 aria-hidden=u0022trueu0022u003En u003Cdiv class=u0022modal-dialogu0022u003En u003Cdiv class=u0022modal-contentu0022u003En u003Cdiv class=u0022modal-headeru0022u003En u003Cbutton type=u0022buttonu0022 class=u0022closeu0022 data-dismiss=u0022modalu0022 aria-hidden=u0022trueu0022u003Eu003Cspan aria-hidden=u0022trueu0022u003Eu0026times;u003C/spanu003Eu003C/buttonu003Enn u003Ch4 class=u0022modal-titleu0022 id=u0022-search-help-labelu0022u003En Search Help u003C/h4u003Enn u003C!-- start: loading bar --u003En u003Cdiv class=u0022modal-loading-baru0022u003En Loading… u003C/divu003En u003C!–/ end: loading bar --u003Enn u003C/divu003En u003Cdiv class=u0022modal-body u0022u003En u003Cdiv class=u0022loading-placeholder hideu0022u003En Loading… u003C/divu003En u003Cdiv class=u0022modal-body-contentu0022u003En u003Cstrongu003ESearch Operatorsu003C/strongu003E:u003Cbr /u003E+ (plus sign) - Search for the exact string (i.e. if admin, then administrator will not match)u003Cbr /u003E! (exclamation mark) - Not equals stringu003Cbr /u003Eu0026quot; u0026quot; (double quotes) - Search by phraseu003Cbr /u003E( ) (parentheses) - Group expressions together.u003Cbr /u003EOR - By default the expressions will be joined as AND statements. Use the OR operator to change that.u003Cbr /u003Eu003Cbr /u003Eu003Cstrongu003ESearch commandsu003C/strongu003Eu003Cbr /u003Eis:activeu003Cbr /u003Eis:inactiveu003Cbr /u003Eis:mineu003Cbr /u003Eis:globalu003Cbr /u003Ename:* u003C/divu003En u003C/divu003En u003C/divu003En u003C/divu003Enu003C/divu003En n u003C/divu003Enn u003Cdiv class=u0022col-xs-6 col-lg-4 va-m text-rightu0022u003En u003Ca class=u0022btn btn-sm btn-dangeru0022 href=u0022/mautic120/s/leads/lists/batchDeleteu0022 data-toggle=u0022confirmationu0022 data-precheck=u0022batchActionPrechecku0022 data-message=u0022Delete the selected lists?u0022 data-confirm-text=u0022Deleteu0022 data-confirm-callback=u0022executeBatchActionu0022 data-cancel-text=u0022Cancelu0022 data-cancel-callback=u0022dismissConfirmationu0022u003Enu003Cspan data-toggle=u0022tooltipu0022 title=u0022Delete the selected itemsu0022 data-placement=u0022leftu0022u003Eu003Ci class=u0022fa fa-fw fa-trash-ou0022u003Eu003C/iu003E u003Cspan class=u0022u0022u003Eu003C/spanu003Eu003C/spanu003Enu003C/au003E u003C/divu003En u003C/divu003Enu003C/divu003En u003Cdiv class=u0022page-listu0022u003En n u003Cdiv class=u0022alert alert-warning col-md-6 col-md-offset-3 mt-mdu0022 style=u0022white-space: normal;u0022u003En u003Ch4u003ENo Results Foundu003C/h4u003En u003Cpu003ESeems there are none! Try changing a filter (if applicable) or how about creating a new one?u003C/pu003Enu003C/divu003Enn u003C/divu003Enu003C/divu003Eu003C/divu003Enn”}

<title>Site is offline</title>

<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1">
<link rel="icon" type="image/x-icon" href="/mautic120/media/images/favicon.ico" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/mautic120/media/css/libraries.css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/mautic120/media/css/app.css" />

The site is currently offline due to encountering an error. If the problem persists, please contact the system administrator.

System administrators, check server logs for errors.

Regarding Apache logs, nothing relevant.

I checked where the offline message is thrown. It’s here:

The error should be logged to the Mautic error log (at app/logs folder) right before. If the error is not in the logs, check permissions.

Hi escopecz, I did your suggestion, no result … I give up.
I am going back to 1.1.3 I will try the next upgrade.

I’m afraid it won’t be fixed, because you’re the only one with this issue and if we won’t find what is causing it, it will stay there.

Hi escopecz, I am pretty sure that is something related to my environment.

Right now I am pretty busy running some improvements in my platform.

I will get back to this issue in another time.

I finally installed it.

I found the error here “Bitnamimautic-1.2.3-0apache2logs” and it said:

“[2016-01-26 05:11:42] mautic.ERROR: Fatal: Maximum execution time of 120 seconds exceeded - in file C:Bitnamimautic-1.2.3-0appsmautichtdocsvendordoctrinedballibDoctrineDBALDriverPDOStatement.php - at line 35 [] []”

So I went to “C:Bitnamimautic-1.2.3-0php” opened php.ini with notepad (you must have visible extensions, other wise you won’t be able to see the file, and changed “max_execution_time = 300” it was on 30 sec before the change. Then restarted MySQL and Apache, and voila!!! is working perfect.