Segment and campaign not trigger plus twilio plugin doesn't send message to contact number

Your software
My Mautic version is: 4.4.9
My PHP version is: 7.4 (ea-php74)
My Database type and version is: 5.7.23- |Doctrine driver|pdo_mysql|
|Doctrine database platform (automatically detected)|Doctrine\DBAL\Platforms\MySQL57Platform|

Your problem
My problem is:
Hi, We have installed mautic on a new server and configure the Twilio plugin there using account sid and token with Twilio number to send message from. After this we have created a segment and added a filter there to trigger the segment and further I have make a campaign where I added that segment so after all of this I have created a contact and fill up that text field which I used to triger the segment like saying “city contain “Florida””. But nothing is working. It never trigger the segment neither campaign and Twilio message not send to that contact number. Any help regarding this would be much appreciated. Thank you!!
These errors are showing in the log:
No error

Have you run any of the cron jobs that are necessary for the whole thing to work?

Here is the information:

You will need to:

  1. Rebuild segments
  2. Rebuild campaigns
  3. Trigger campaigns
  4. Send Scheduled Broadcast

Check the output of the cron jobs when they run, and check the segment / campaign to see the actions. Also check the contacts who should receive the messages and see if there are any errors in the activity feed.

There was a change on the Twilio side. See Support to Pass MessagingServiceSID to Twillio API instead of From by dadarya0 · Pull Request #12539 · mautic/mautic · GitHub which is for Mautic 5 only at the moment

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Hi @rcheesley @escopecz ,
Thanks for the reply of my forum. Here is my mautic installation path directory and I have added the cron jobs now But still getting the same issue of message not sending. It seems like segment is triggered now. I have attached the screenshots of things I done Please check and let me know what changed I need to do further so I will do accordingly. Thanks

In segment name “Test” I am using this filter

After create a contact I got this error in contact events

And here is the error logs of system inormation
[2023-08-02 00:30:05] mautic.NOTICE: Symfony\Component\Console\Exception\CommandNotFoundException: Command “mautic:queue:cleanup” is not defined. Did you mean one of these? fos:oauth-server:clean mautic:maintenance:cleanup mautic:queue:process (uncaught exception) at /home4/topscbtk/ line 676 while running console command UNKNOWN {“hostname”:“”,“pid”:291564}

Please have a look in this matter and let me know how to sort out this please. Thanks again.

Hi @escopecz ,
Thanks for the reply.
Here is my current configuration for twilio plugin in Mautic version 4.4.9

Please have a look and let me know how do sort out this. Thanks

@rcheesley I also received this error now
[2023-08-03 04:22:03] mautic.ERROR: CAMPAIGN: An exception occurred while executing ‘INSERT INTO campaign_lead_event_log (rotation, date_triggered, is_scheduled, trigger_date, system_triggered, metadata, channel, channel_id, non_action_path_taken, event_id, lead_id, campaign_id, ip_id) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)’ with params [2, “2023-08-03 04:22:02”, 1, “2023-08-03 04:27:02”, 1, “a:0:{}”, null, null, 0, 481, “121”, 11, null]: SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1062 Duplicate entry ‘481-121-2’ for key ‘campaign_rotation’ {“hostname”:“vultr”,“pid”:3916}