Sending Emails with 10-Minute Intervals Between Batches

Your software
My Mautic version is:
My PHP version is: 8.1.29
My Database type and version is: 10.6.19-MariaDB

Your problem

I’m currently working on an email campaign in Mautic and facing a challenge. I have a segment containing 60,000 contacts, and I want to send out an email campaign to this entire segment. However, I want to send the emails in batches of 500 contacts per day, with a 10-minute interval between each email being sent.

Is there a way to configure Mautic to handle this scenario? I’m looking for a solution that allows me to send the emails automatically in this manner without manually intervening each time.

Any guidance or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

What is your Mautic version?
Do you want to send 24/7 ? Or just working hours?
Do you want to send every 10 min? That is 6 / hour, so you can only send 144 emails.

Mautic can handle any scenario.

Hello Joey,

Mautic version is 5.1.0

We would like to send in working hours (let’s say 09:00am to 05:00pm) and we would like to send every 10 mins. (Theoretically speaking, frequency and hours may change later)

The problem is that we haven’t figured out how to handle this requests.

Any clarification and help would be much appreciated.

Thanks in advance!

Okay, but you didn’t answer my previous question.
In order to send 500 emails, where you have 10 min difference between emails, you would need 83 hours / day. You only got 24. In fact you only have 8, because you only send working time.

So did you mean, you need to send 500 emails / day in X batches, with 10 min pause between batches?

You have 480 minutes between 9.00 and 17.00.
That makes 48 sending events (I called X above), which is apprx. 10.4 = 11 emails / batch.

So you need to fire the email sending command every 10 min with the limit of 11 emails.

Is it a campaign email or segment email?

Thanks for your reply,

By the way, all these numbers are hypothetical. We just want to know where and how we could configure this. with cronjob or what?

if there’s a solution for both campaign and segment mails please give us a solution for both.

Thanks in advance!

Sorry, I can write you a Mautic tutorial here, you will need to read about it.
Here is an older tutorial that shows you how email sending works:

I don’t see why would you use a campaign, so just stick with segment emails.

The Video is M4, but to make your life easier, don’t use the queue setting in M5.

Launch your broadcast cronjob (explained in the video) every 10 min, with the switch --limit=11

php bin/console mautic:broadcast:send --limit=11

Run it every 10 min:

*/10 * * * * php yourpath/bin/console mautic:broadcast:send --limit=11

Good luck.