Setting the language does nothing / has no effect

Your software
My Mautic version is: 2.15.3-0
My PHP version is: 7.1.32

Your problem
If I change the language to Spanish or French their translations get downloaded and I get no errors but the language doesn’t change even after following all the steps detailed here:

These errors are showing in the log:
I get no new errors in my logs after changing the language

Steps I have tried to fix the problem:
-I can see the languages are downloaded in /translations, I removed and redownloaded the Spanish package
-Deleted the cache (both the /cache folder and in the browser)
-Logged out then logged in again
-Restarted the server
-Set the language to “Spanish” for both the system and my user (who is an Administrator)
-Changed the permissions of the conf and cache folders to 775
-Checked that the POST request on setting the language specifies the correct [locale]

And then repeated some of these steps in a different order

I have the same problem. Changing the default language downloads the translation files but changes nothing, neither on the frontend or the backend.

I managed to resolve the problem. You need to clear the cache for the changes be effective:
app/console cache:clear
or everything inside the /app/cache folder

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