SMS with Twillo mautic 5

Hi All, im new to mautic and are trying to set it up, we got all working quite okey with emails etc, sms is working but we have a problem.

My Mautic version is: Mautic 5.1.1 - app/prod (env: prod, debug: false)
My PHP version is: PHP Version 8.1.30
My Database type and version is: 10.11.8-MariaDB-0ubuntu0.24.04.1

When we try to send SMS in campaign mode, it works to send out sms, but it sends out an sms every minute, it should only send out 1 sms, but it sends out the same sms every minute to the user. We have set the crontab ro run every minute.

New here too but I think this might help.
There’s a Cron feature to limit process so it doesn’t repeat for the same contact.

Here’s the link :

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Hi, thank you. I will have a look at it!

Hi, yes it seems to work! Thank you :slight_smile:

SMS sending is generally broken in Mautic 5 - see Error when triggering a campaign with send SMS action · Issue #13646 · mautic/mautic · GitHub

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