Store multiple values

Your software
My Mautic version is: 4.4.10
My PHP version is: 7.4.33
My Database type and version is: MySQL 5.7.42-46

Your problem
I have a need to store multiple values of certain bits of data. To create a custom field for every value seems like a lot of admin/overhead to track this sort of thing.

For instance. I have tickets that are purchased on eventbrite and I need to keep track of the number of tickets purchased along with the event they go with. So far I have been creating a tag dynamically through n8n called ‘eb-purchased-12345679’ where the number is the event ID from eventbrite. But another tag to get the number of tickets does not seem like the right way to go.

I would also like to be able to use the event name (not currently stored) along with the number of tickets in an email confirmation.

Any suggestions?

These errors are showing in the log:

Look into custom objects

Looks like I need versuion 5 and composer to install that. I am not, unfortunately there yet being on 4.4.x and using docker. Not an easy upgrade as I understand it.

I guess I will need to keep this on my radar for the future after the upgrade. If no one else has any other suggestions, looks like I will have to continue to manually add tags for each event I need to track.

You can install without composer, and on Mautic 4.
Look for this repo: GitHub - acquia/mc-cs-plugin-custom-objects at deployed