Support for Open Graph (og) meta tags on pages

My idea is simple:
Add additional options to the sidebar (like UTM tags are) of Landing Pages to allow editors to add common Open Graph Meta Tags that Facebook and other socials use. This allows complete control of what a page share will look/say on social media.

I think these groups of people would benefit from this idea: everyone

Why I think they would benefit from this idea: If I share a Mautic Landing Page on social media, the bots have to “guess” what to put in the post. And they’re not good at guessing and it usually looks/sounds less than desirable. Adding Open Graph tags allow Mauticians to directly control what a social share will look like and the text it will use. Minimal effort that can have a huge crowdsource share effect at no cost.

Any code or resources to support this idea:
Facebook link:

Additional Sidebar fields needed:

  • Social Title (blank, FB will default to Page Title)
  • Social Share Image (1200x635px dimensions)
  • Image Alt Text
  • URL: the page url (should be be automatically set/nothing for editor to do)
  • Description (blank, FB will default to meta description or make it up from content, yuck)
  • Type: website
  • App ID: An additional associated FB app id for enhanced reporting in FB. Possibly set on config pages by system admin.

Are you willing to work on this idea?: Yes

What skills and resources do you need to explore this further?
How best to get it worked in and standardized into the Mautic system, much like UTM tags were.

Definitely, this marries nicely with the idea of being able to schedule social media posts etc that is being discussed at Social Media and AdTech and Social Media - Posting with Scheduling and One-Post-To-Many