Table or view doesn't exists

Hello, can you help me with my issue. I get error

An exception occurred while executing ‘SELECT f.alias, f.is_unique_identifer as is_unique FROM lead_fields f ORDER BY f.field_order ASC’:

SQLSTATE[42S02]: Base table or view not found: 1146 Table ‘lead_fields’ doesn’t exist

when I try to run mautic:install:data command in console.

Also I get it on doctrine:schema:update

Table exists in database and script is working in browser. But I need to get it works in console too.

Hello, can you help me with my issue. I get error

An exception occurred while executing ‘SELECT f.alias, f.is_unique_identifer as is_unique FROM lead_fields f ORDER BY f.field_order ASC’:
SQLSTATE[42S02]: Base table or view not found: 1146 Table ‘lead_fields’ doesn’t exist

when I try to run mautic:install:data command in console.

Also I get it on doctrine:schema:update
Table exists in database and script is working in browser. But I need to get it works in console too.

Can you describe what is your goal? The mautic:install:data command was not updated for a long time.

I need to have ability of CLI installation of Mautic platform(I am developer too). So I need to create some fake data from CLI.
Even if I install system from browser - it works fine, but in CLI with doctrine:schema:update for example I get same error.

What error? What do you get when you execute app/console doctrine:schema:update --dump-sql ?

For this command output is

ALTER TABLE leads CHANGE email email VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL, CHANGE country country VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL; CREATE INDEX lead_fieldemail_search ON leads (email); CREATE INDEX lead_fieldcountry_search ON leads (country);
And after that command I execute app/console mautic:install data and get

[code]An exception occurred while executing ‘SELECT f.alias, f.is_unique_identifer as is_unique FROM lead_fields f ORDER BY f.field_order ASC’:

SQLSTATE[42S02]: Base table or view not found: 1146 Table ‘lead_fields’ doesn’t exist[/code]

Pleasse can help me with this issue?

My only advice I can think of is to install Mautic with via the browser step by step installation and then don’t run the install command.