Tags, segments or landing page the page loads and stays where it was v4.3.1

My Mautic version is: v4.3.1
My PHP version is: 7.4
My Database type and version is: mysql

My problem is: when you try to enter tags, segments or landing page the page loads and stays where it was.

If I try to open any of these sections in a new tab it gives error 500

In the log it shows me the following error: [2022-05-31 16:32:17] mautic.CRITICAL: Uncaught PHP Exception Doctrine\DBAL\Exception\InvalidFieldNameException: “An exception occurred while executing ‘SELECT COUNT() AS dctrn_count FROM (SELECT DISTINCT id_10 FROM (SELECT l0_.is_published AS is_published_0, l0_.date_added AS date_added_1, l0_.created_by AS created_by_2, l0_.created_by_user AS created_by_user_3, l0_.date_modified AS date_modified_4, l0_.modified_by AS modified_by_5, l0_.modified_by_user AS modified_by_user_6, l0_.checked_out AS checked_out_7, l0_.checked_out_by AS checked_out_by_8, l0_.checked_out_by_user AS checked_out_by_user_9, l0_.id AS id_10, l0_.name AS name_11, l0_.description AS description_12, l0_.alias AS alias_13, l0_.public_name AS public_name_14, l0_.filters AS filters_15, l0_.is_global AS is_global_16, l0_.is_preference_center AS is_preference_center_17, l0_.last_built_date AS last_built_date_18 FROM lead_lists l0_ LEFT JOIN categories c1_ ON l0_.category_id = c1_.id ORDER BY l0_.date_modified DESC) dctrn_result) dctrn_table’: SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column ‘l0_.last_built_date’ in ‘field list’" at /home/u390877933/domains/alma-negocios.com/public_html/mautic/vendor/doctrine/dbal/lib/Doctrine/DBAL/Driver/AbstractMySQLDriver.php line 79 {“exception”:"[object] (Doctrine\DBAL\Exception\InvalidFieldNameException(code: 0): An exception occurred while executing 'SELECT COUNT() AS dctrn_count FROM (SELECT DISTINCT id_10 FROM (SELECT l0_.is_published AS is_published_0, l0_.date_added AS date_added_1, l0_.created_by AS created_by_2, l0_.created_by_user AS created_by_user_3, l0_.date_modified AS date_modified_4, l0_.modified_by AS modified_by_5, l0_.modified_by_user AS modified_by_user_6, l0_.checked_out AS checked_out_7, l0_.checked_out_by AS checked_out_by_8, l0_.checked_out_by_user AS checked_out_by_user_9, l0_.id AS id_10, l0_.name AS name_11, l0_.description AS description_12, l0_.alias AS alias_13, l0_.public_name AS public_name_14, l0_.filters AS filters_15, l0_.is_global AS is_global_16, l0_.is_preference_center AS is_preference_center_17, l0_.last_built_date AS last_built_date_18 FROM lead_lists l0_ LEFT JOIN categories c1_ ON l0_.category_id = c1_.id ORDER BY l0_.date_modified DESC) dctrn_result) dctrn_table’:\n\nSQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column ‘l0_.last_built_date’ in ‘field list’ at /home/u390877933/domains/alma-negocios.com/public_html/mautic/vendor/doctrine/dbal/lib/Doctrine/DBAL/Driver/AbstractMySQLDriver.php:79, Doctrine\DBAL\Driver\PDO\Exception(code: 42S22): SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column ‘l0_.last_built_date’ in ‘field list’ at /home/u390877933/domains/alma-negocios.com/public_html/mautic/vendor/doctrine/dbal/lib/Doctrine/DBAL/Driver/PDO/Exception.php:18, PDOException(code: 42S22): SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column ‘l0_.last_built_date’ in ‘field list’ at /home/u390877933/domains/alma-negocios.com/public_html/mautic/vendor/doctrine/dbal/lib/Doctrine/DBAL/Driver/PDOConnection.php:141)”} {“hostname”:“us-imm-web219.main-hosting.eu”,“pid”:1360}

I tried to clear cache but it still doesn’t work.

I want to clarify that I do not know about programming or many technical issues

Here a video to visualize the error

This suggests that you have some database migrations which have not been run. Did your update get stuck at any point in the past?

Try to follow these steps (take a backup of your instance and the database first).

Do a fresh install of mautic and use the database from the previous version.

I just got into Mautic and now it works…

I did absolutely nothing and it works

Exactly, so your update may have failed to complete the required database upgrades, I’m guessing, causing the errors.

You’ll likely get some problems if you don’t rectify that problem and bring your database up to date, so you’re advised to follow the upgrade failed steps to update your database.

I followed the indicated process and the following appears when updating the database
