Unable to generate a URL


i create New custom plugin its just display “helloworld”.

and set plugin menu at admin panel.

but i getting this error.

[2017-08-10 05:41:52] mautic.ERROR: SymfonyComponentRoutingExceptionRouteNotFoundException: Unable to generate a URL for the named route “plugin_helloworld_world” as such route does not exist. - in file /var/www/html/9_8_2017_mautic/app/cache/prod/appProdProjectContainerUrlGenerator.php - at line 213 [] []

How can i fix it?.



i create New custom plugin its just display “helloworld”.
and set plugin menu at admin panel.
but i getting this error.

[2017-08-10 05:41:52] mautic.ERROR: SymfonyComponentRoutingExceptionRouteNotFoundException: Unable to generate a URL for the named route “plugin_helloworld_world” as such route does not exist. - in file /var/www/html/9_8_2017_mautic/app/cache/prod/appProdProjectContainerUrlGenerator.php - at line 213 [] []

How can i fix it?.

clear the cacge

And please do not create duplicates in the forum and use personal messages for emergencies.

ok Admin.
I was cleared cache many time but still getting me that error i am trying to solve that error from last 3 days.
can you help me to create simple plugin with menu in admin panel that display “Helloword” in admin panel.

Here is my config.php file code.
Please take a look .

return array(
    'name'          => 'Hello World',
    'description'   => 'This is an example config file for a simple Hello World addon.',
    'version'       => '0.1.0',
    'routes'   => array(
        'main' => array(
            'plugin_helloworld_world' => array(
                'path'       => '/hello/{world}',
                'controller' => 'HelloWorldBundle:Default:world',
                'defaults'    => array(
                    'world' => 'earth'
                'requirements' => array(
                    'world' => 'earth|mars'
	'menu' => array(	
	 'main' => array(
            'plugin.helloworld.world' => array(
                'id'        => 'plugin_helloworld_world',
                'access'    => 'plugin:helloworld:worlds:view',
               	'parent'    => 'mautic.core.channels',
                'priority'  => 3
	'categories' => array(
        'plugin:helloworld' => 'plugin.helloworld.world',

I hope you will reply me very soon. :slight_smile:

Hard to say without the rest of the plugin. Maybe inspire at https://github.com/mautic/mautic/blob/staging/plugins/MauticFocusBundle/Config/config.php

ya i have seen code of “MauticFocusBundle” but that is becoming very difficult to me to understand.
sorry to say but can you create one video of simple plugin with menu in admin panel.
so it will become very easy to understand and create plugin for New Mautic Developer (beginner).

Thanks. :slight_smile:

Sorry, I really don’t have time to create a simple plugin and record a video about it. I’d suggest to hire a PHP programmer.

ok Admin.
I am a php developer.
Thanks. :slight_smile:

Thanks Admin…
After deleteing cache directory my problem solve.
now i am very close to complete this plugin.