Understanding the Installation of Mautic 5 via Docker

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Understanding the Installation of Mautic 5 via Docker

Hey guys! How are you?

I’m studying how to install Mautic 5 via Docker, and I came across examples of stacks for docker-compose on GitHub.

In these examples, a container is generated for the database, another for Mautic and two more, one for “mautic_worker” and another for “mautic_cron”.

Can anyone tell me what happened if I didn’t create the “mautic_worker” and “mautic_cron” container?

Another question, can I create these isolated containers, or does it need to be in the docker-compose stack?

Thanks for now

These errors are showing in the log:

Steps I have tried to fix the problem:

If you don’t create the worker and cron containers then you don’t have any background jobs running. You’d have to enable background jobs in the web container.

The reason those 2 are a special containers is that they aren’t accessible from the internet. So traffic doesn’t affect their performance.

Another reason is that you can scale them easily. If you want to send emails 2 times faster, just create another worker container. 3 times? Another worker container. Done with the big send and want to save resources? Kill the 2 extra worker containers.

You can do everything in 1 container but then you lose some advantages as those above.

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I understood. Thanks for the feedback.

What about updates and plugin installation, which are done via Composer, do I install Composer on the Mautic Web container or is it done another way?

Again, thanks for your help.

I’m also looking for this answer in Composer missing in default docker image · Issue #242 · mautic/docker-mautic · GitHub. I pinged @mollux for help.

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